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Gay “Churches” Give Out Glitter Ashes For Ash Wednesday

Gay “Churches” Give Out Glitter Ashes For Ash Wednesday

Despite the obvious associations of the Lenten season and its rituals with the blasphemous religion of Rome, it's already bizarre enough that so many ecumenical "Protestants" feel it necessary to partake in such a thing nowhere found in such a thing. Lent -- and its...

Response to Robert Gagnon Defense of the Gifts – Part 1

Response to Robert Gagnon Defense of the Gifts – Part 1

In this episode, I rant about the deficient logic and conjectural exegesis displayed by the highly respected Robert Gagnon regarding the gifts of the Spirit and whether or not those gifts are active in the churches today. Dr. Gagnon’s work in the areas of political...

Tim Keller Questions: “If There is a God…”

In reality, with all of his problems, it is actually doubtful that Tim Keller actually questions if there is a God. In fact, I would argue from the Scriptures that nobody actually questions the existence of God deep down -- even atheists. People will simply suppress...


Heresy of the Day #17: Docetism

Heresy of the Day #17: Docetism

Heresy: Docetism Docetism is a Christian heresy that originated in the early centuries of the religion. It is based on the belief that Jesus Christ was not fully human, but rather a divine being who only appeared to be human. According to docetism, Jesus' physical...


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