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As He Coughs, Kenneth Copeland Says He Will Never Get COVID Because He “Walks by Faith”

by | Dec 30, 2022 | Apostasy, Cult, heresy, News, Religion, The Church, Video | 0 comments

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Kenneth Copeland is nothing more than a fraud and a con artist who has made a fortune by manipulating and exploiting the trust of his followers. He presents himself as a self-proclaimed prophet, but in reality, he is nothing more than a literal circus clown disguised as a pastor. Copeland’s Word of Faith teachings are nothing more than a guise for his greed and desire for wealth. He promotes the ridiculous notion that he has the power to heal through the laying on of hands, even going so far as to push a man in a wheelchair in an attempt to demonstrate this supposed power.

Furthermore, Copeland promotes the absurd belief that God is a genie who will grant financial rewards in exchange for financial giving. This is nothing more than a ploy to convince his followers to give him more money, further adding to his already immense wealth. Copeland has made multiple false prophecies about the end of COVID-19, further exposing his lack of genuine spiritual insight and genuine concern for the well-being of others.

In a one sermon, Copeland made the outrageous and blasphemous claim that Jesus’ “little wormy spirit” went to Hell and defeated Satan. This goes against traditional Christian beliefs and the teachings of the Scriptures, which state that Jesus’ victory over Satan was achieved through his death on the cross when he proclaimed “it is finished.” It is clear that Copeland is nothing more than a blatant blasphemer, idolater, and mockery of God. His greed and desire for power have led him to spread false teachings and deceive unsuspecting followers. You can find out more about Copeland at this link.

It seems that Kenneth Copeland’s ridiculous and absurd declarations know no bounds. In his latest ridiculous claim, he has declared that he will never contract COVID-19 because he “walks by faith.” And interestingly, he says it right as he coughs. This statement is particularly absurd given Copeland’s track record of making false prophecies about the end of the pandemic and even performing a stunt where he “blew” COVID-19 away. It’s comical to think that Copeland actually believes that “walking by faith” in whatever false god he worships will protect him from any disease. It’s been proven over and over that these frauds will continually succumb to various diseases and, sadly, take their fraudulent beliefs to the grave with them.


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