I've heard a lot of ridiculous and outlandish stories from some of the worst modern-day Montanist heretics on the...
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Results for "todd white"
Former SBC President Holds Charismatic Faith-Healing Service During Worship
Steve Gaines, a former Southern Baptist Convention president, recently took his church full charismatic after holding...
77 Percent of People Say They’d Rather Die Than Choose Between Furtick’s or Platt’s Church
In a poll that Reformation Charlotte ran on YouTube, which asked voters how they would choose if forced to choose...
Heresy of the Day #8: Montanism
Heresy: Montanism Montanism is a heresy that was denounced by the 2nd-century Church after its founder, Montanus,...
False Teacher of the Day #22: Francis Chan
Francis Chan makes number 22 on our False Teacher of the Day series for a multitude of reasons. Francis Chan is...
Prophetess Says Jesus Sat With Her Face to Face and Denied Scripture, Told Her She Was a Pastor
Paula Price, a self-appointed prophet is recognized as a "modern-day apostle" who has been anointed by God by the rank...
Francis Chan Now Says That He Speaks in Tongues
Francis Chan has been on a downward spiral for a long time. Chan is a graduate of both John MacArthur’s Master’s...
Francis Chan Says That Being Indwelt by the Holy Spirit Makes Us ‘God and Man all at Once’ Like Jesus
Francis Chan has been on a downward spiral for a long time. Chan is a graduate of both John MacArthur’s Master’s...
False Prophet With Beehive on Head Says Physical Healing the ‘Fruit of Repentance’
Todd White is a false prophet who is a strong proponent of the false gospel known as the prosperity gospel. White -- a...
Francis Chan Says Homosexuality Not Worse than Divorce, Approaches Them the Same Way
Francis Chan has not only gone completely off the rockers lately, but he has taken many with him. Francis Chan has...
Michael Brown Says a Witch “Sincerely Desires” to See People Saved, He’s More Concerned About Discerning Christians
Michael Brown is the world’s premier apologist for the ancient heresy of Montanism. Montanism is the heresy that...
Francis Chan Embraces Charismatic Faith-Healing Heresy, Says He Healed Numerous People by “Touching” Them
Warning, this is why the Scriptures warn us not to associate with false teachers, rather we mark and avoid them like...
Demonic Kundalini Spirit at The Send Conference? Watch and Tell Us Your Thoughts
Kundalini is a Pagan occult practice closely linked to Hinduism but also prevalent in charismatic circles of various...
Idaho State Capitol to Hear Arguments in Favor of Stopping Charismatic “Faith-Healers” From Harming Children
The charismatic "faith-healer" movement is one of the most nefarious perversions of Christianity in the world plaguing...
It’s a Miracle, Woman Has Same Arm-Lengthening Miracle Performed 5 Separate Times
Do you ever wonder about those leg-lengthening miracles that faux faith-healer, Todd White seems to be so good at? Do...
Francis Chan Announces He’s to Stop Bashing Biblical Christianity in the US, Moving to Asia to Poison the Fish There
Francis Chan made headlines earlier this year when he began to tour the country assaulting biblical Christianity...
SBC’s LifeWay Hosting a Charismatic Tongue-Speaking Faith-Healing NAR Event
The New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) is a loosely banded coalition of false prophets and people who call themselves...
Justin Peters Declines Debate With Michael Brown Because He Lacks Discernment and Pastoral Qualifications
Recently, the chief apologist for the modern movement of the ancient Montanist heresy, the charismatic movement,...
Former LifeWay Executive Joins Host of False Prophets For “Worship” and “Prayer”
If you ever wondered why LifeWay stores -- a bookstore owned and managed by the Southern Baptist Convention -- is...
Michael Brown Defends the Worst of the Worst Blasphemer and Idolater
Michael Brown is the world's premier apologist for the ancient heresy of Montanism. Montanism is the heresy that...

SBC Pastor Compares Following Mask Mandates to “Picking Up Your Cross”
JT Inglish, lead pastor of Storyline Church in Arvada, Colorado, has been appointed to serve on the SBC’s Committee on Committees for the 2025 annual meeting. This influential position helps shape the future leadership of the denomination, making it all the more...

The Cancer of Effeminate Worship in the Modern Church
The lights dim. A soft purple haze spreads across the stage, a carefully manufactured mist rising from hidden fog machines like some mystical veil between heaven and earth. The lead singer, a guy with the vocal timbre of a teenage boy penning poetry in his journal,...

The Selective Outrage Over Trump’s Faith Advisor is Nauseating
Paula White is trash. There, I said it. She's a false teacher, a peddler of snake oil, a carnival barker draped in pseudo-Christian robes, hawking a gospel of greed with all the theological depth of a used car salesman promising that a lemon will last forever. She is...

Why Are Young Christian Men More Drawn to JD Vance Than The Gospel Coalition?
If we’ve seen nothing in the last decade or so, we’ve seen a massive influx of cultural decline and gender confusion. In the midst of this, soon-to-be Vice President JD Vance strides onto the battlefield like a general rallying his troops. Speaking at CPAC, he didn’t...
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