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Results for "kenneth copeland"

Op-Ed: No, Witchcraft and Christianity are NOT Compatible

Op-Ed: No, Witchcraft and Christianity are NOT Compatible

Do not be fooled, and do not let the scripture-twisting serpentine tongues of those who push the lie that Christianity and witchcraft can be syncretized together fool you.  Witchcraft is a sin, as we will show, and along with all sin, will send you straight to hell, and true faith in Christ for your salvation is the only solution.  It is not Biblical to add witchcraft to Christianity or to add Christ to witchcraft and call yourself a Christian. It doesn’t work that way. 

18 Signs of Apostasy

18 Signs of Apostasy

by Matt Sherro There is a danger that has come into the sheepfold; apostates have come in and they probably have...


Legitimate Question: How Many Abortions Has Kamala Harris Had?

Legitimate Question: How Many Abortions Has Kamala Harris Had?

Earlier today, I wrote about how Kamala Harris took the pulpit at a North Carolina Church to preach about “doing justice” and “mercy.” Unfortunately, instead of a faithful exegesis of Scripture, what the congregation received was a political sermon from the...

Reject the Revisionist Lies of Indigenous Peoples’ Day

Reject the Revisionist Lies of Indigenous Peoples’ Day

Today is Columbus Day and once again, the leftist chorus is doing what they do best, rewriting history, twisting facts, and advancing their anti-American pet cause by calling this day "Indigenous People's Day." But before we let them get away with this brazen...


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