Veggie Tales Creator Releases Series for Woke Apostate Celebrities To Explain Why They’re “Still Christians”

Veggie Tales Creator Releases Series for Woke Apostate Celebrities To Explain Why They’re “Still Christians”

When I first saw the trailer to this upcoming series, I thought it was a parody. I thought it was going to be some kind of satirical sitcom making fun of “ex-vangelicals” who have deconstructed into complete apostasy. The fact of the matter, though, is that this is...
Five Ways to Identify a Gospel-Compromising Woke Church

Five Ways to Identify a Gospel-Compromising Woke Church

In an era of swirling cultural currents and shifting societal sands, the faithful are urged to stay vigilant. The temptation to forsake the timeless message of the gospel for fleeting trends is ever-present, and one such movement, laden with anti-gospel and...