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Woke White Church Says It Will “Fast From Whiteness” During Lent, White Guilt on Full Display

by | Apr 6, 2022 | Apostasy, LGBTQ Issues, News, Racialism, Social Justice, Social-Issues, The Church, Video | 0 comments

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First United Church of Oak Park, an apostate church led by John Edgerton with several women “pastors” subordinate to him—all white, by the way—says it is “fasting from whiteness” during Lent.

According to a posting on its homepage, the church announced “In our worship services throughout Lent, we will not be using any music or liturgy written or composed by white people.” It continued, “Our music will be drawn from the African American spirituals tradition, from South African freedom songs, from Native American traditions, and many, many more.”

Of course, being a church that celebrates sodomy, transgenderism, and child-grooming, we’re not seeing these clowns fast from these things during Lent.

One of the ring-leaders of this three-ring circus said during a speech (they call it a “sermon”) that during this “fast from whiteness, of course, I cannot change the color of my skin or the way that that allows me to move through the world, but I can change what I listen to voices I prioritize.”

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“And so that is kind of the plan for our worship services through Lent,” she continued, “that we would fast for a time from prioritizing white voices and that we would use the music and poetry of black, Indigenous, and people of color and see what the spirit might do among us.”

Whatever “spirit” these people are summoning, it can be assured that it is not the Holy Spirit.

She went on to lament the fact that much of the “spiritual” music from these “black, indigenous, and people of color” is in the public domain, therefore, they are not being “compensated” for their music while their white and European counterparts are being paid royalties. Therefore, they are paying compensation to the Chicago Music School, which has agreed to receive their penance through these acts of reparations and calling it royalties.

Because, somehow, this assuages their consciences and absolves them of their inherent white guilt.

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