Corporate America has largely abandoned the average American to embrace the petty causes of far-left special interest groups. But one company is taking a stand. Tractor Supply Co., a breath of fresh air and common sense in the midst of corporate insanity, says it has...
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U.S. Gov. Spending Millions in Tax Dollars to Promote Homosexuality in Third World Countries
It’s bad enough that our government pushes radical leftism at the expense of our sanity in our own nation, but did you know these leftists are spending your money to promote homosexuality around the world?Okay, so let’s talk about USAID, shall we? You know, the United...
NYC Mayor Demonstrates Why Second Amendment Rights are Non-negotiable
As New York City slips further into chaos under the control of Mayor Bill DeBlasio and state governor, Andrew Cuomo, it is ever more apparent why the right to self-defense is so important and the Second Amendment is not up for negotiation. The founders of the nation...
Federal Government Blocks Rule That Would Prevent Banks From Refusing Services to Conservatives
A rule that was put in place requiring banks to conduct risk assessments for individual customers rather than classes of customers -- such as, conservative charities, political groups, or churches -- has been blocked by the current Office of the Comptroller of the...
Gays Throw Tantrum After Church in Fresno Displays Tribute to Rush Limbaugh
Recently, Adventure Church opened its doors in the heart of a thriving (depraved) community of homosexuals in Fresno. The church operates in a historically gay-friendly landmark known as the Tower Theatre and now holds its services there. Gays in the community have...
South Carolina Bans Most Abortions
Setting a new precedent, South Carolina has banned the majority of abortions in the state after Governor Henry McMaster signed the South Carolina Fetal Heartbeat and Protection from Abortion Act into law. The law, which is similar to legislation passed in several...
House Dems Introduce Bill to Keep Trump From Being Buried at Arlington Cemetery
Nancy Pelosi and her cohorts will just not give up. Donald Trump lives rent-free in their heads and they are spinning mad. No matter what they do, Donald Trump's legacy continues to thrive and they're scared to death that his movement will continue on. Recently, the...
Joe Biden Says Not All Blacks and Hispanics Know How to Use the Internet
The left is good at calling conservatives "racist." The mantra has been repeated so many times that even they begin to believe it themselves. But, in the words of Gerson, the "soft bigotry of lower expectations" lives on in the left. Joe Biden, in his "town hall"...
Leftists Throw Shade as Legendary Conservative Rush Limbaugh Dies at 70
Well-known favorite political commentator of conservatives, Rush Limbaugh, has passed away at the age of 70 after a long battle with cancer. Limbaugh, a staunch supporter of the conservative movement and seeker of truth, was well-known for his feisty commentary on...
NYC School Principal Instructs Parents of White Students on “White Abolitionism”
The absurdity of the leftist anti-white movement in this nation is growing exponentially as the ideology has taken over schools, institutions, and government. The movement, rooted in Critical Race Theory, has caused much division and strife in the nation. As our...
NC Republican Senator Richard Burr Censured, Banned From Wake GOP Building for Voting to Convict Trump
In a stunning move by the North Carolina Republican party, longtime RINO, Republican Senator Richard Burr has been censured and banned from the premises for voting to convict Donald Trump in his second kangaroo impeachment trial. Burr was one of seven GOP Senators who...
Congressman who Slept With Chinese Spy Refers to God as a Woman, Says “God, Herself”
As feminism has taken over the left -- whereby men can't even so much as identify as men without the wrath of rebellious women -- the ultimate lack of fear of God is blatant. These foolish rulers of our nation fear women instead; a sure sign of God's wrath on this...
Tornado Ravages Jonesboro, AR, Rips Away Turtle Creek Mall
JONESBORO, Ark. -- A tornado has ripped through Jonesboro, Arkansas on Saturday afternoon, according to the National Weather Service. The tornado simply drops from the sky ravaging everything in its path, including Turtle Creek Mall (Pictured Below). The National...