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American Christians Have Become Boot-Licking Pansies

American Christians Have Become Boot-Licking Pansies

by D.L. Parker Picking up on the same note of David Lane—“Op-Ed: If America’s Churches and Believers Don’t Stand Up For Government Tyrants, the Country is Finished,” there should be no surprise why this article was titled with a direct insult to the current populace...

NC Governor Endorsed by Worse President in U.S. History

NC Governor Endorsed by Worse President in U.S. History

Barack Obama is the single-most corrupt president in all of U.S. history. Far worse than simply moral corruption, Obama has overseen the worst criminal act against an incoming president that has ever happened by acting as commander in chief over the "Russian spy" hoax...

At Least Two Women Have Died From “Do-It-Yourself” Abortion Service

At Least Two Women Have Died From “Do-It-Yourself” Abortion Service

Two women have died after taking ‘DIY’ home abortion pills according to a leaked “urgent email” sent by a senior chief midwife at NHS England and NHS Improvement on the “escalating risks” of the ‘pills in the post’ service that is being run by UK abortion...

Jemar Tisby and The Idolatry of Melanin

There is a real problem lurking behind the social justice/wokeness movement. The problem can be traced back in time and thousands of miles across the Atlantic. It is the problem of idolatry within the African mindset. It is a specific kind of idolatry. It is the...

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