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The Gospel Coalition Celebrates Pro-LGBTQ, Pro-Abortion Leftist Politician

by | Jul 21, 2020 | News, Politics, Racialism, Social Justice, Social-Issues, The Church | 0 comments

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The Gospel Coalition abandoned the gospel long before it became an outlet for progressive politics and anti-gospel rhetoric. The Gospel Coalition is largely a propaganda outlet for loosely affiliated church leaders to come together and promote woke theology and Democrat talking points.

The Gospel Coalition is a reliable source for the advancement of such worldly ideologies as social justice, intersectionality, and identity politics to the detriment of the actual gospel and has advocated for a seemingly middle-of-the-road stance on homosexuality that treats same-sex-attraction as an ailment rather than a sin and even, in some cases, treats same-sex relationships and affection as a plausible alternative to biblical marriage so long as it stops short of bodily penetration. All in all, The Gospel Coalition has turned many conservative churches into leftist political activist groups.

And now, Joe Carter, former Southern Baptist Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) leader pens an article at The Gospel Coalition celebrating the life of pro-sodomy, pro-abortion far-left radical politician, John Lewis.

Yesterday, Reformation Charlotte reported that a group of self-proclaimed “conservative” Southern Baptists called on the removal of a confederate statue in the U.S. Capitol to be replaced with a statue of John Lewis. Ignoring the fact that practically every single thing Lewis stood for is diametrically opposed to God and Christianity, Carter celebrates Lewis by listing what he believes to be all the good things Lewis stood for — which, by the way, is virtually nothing. His article, titled 9 Things You Should Know About John Lewis, lists, well, 9 things, including:

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  • his place and date of birth,
  • that he “preached to chickens,”
  • that he attended an American Baptist seminary,
  • that he participated in the Nashville Student Movement to end racial segregation at lunch counters in Nashville,
  • that he was one of the original 13 Freedom Riders,
  • that he started Freedom schools for blacks only,
  • that he marched with Martin Luther King, Jr.,
  • that he was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by far-left radical President Obama,
  • and that he spent years pushing for, and finally got, an African American museum in Washington, D.C.

Now, of course, most of these things aren’t bad — we can all cherry pick good things that evil people do and bad things that good people do. But what was the point of Carter’s post at The Gospel Coalition and what in the world does it have to do with the gospel?

Nothing. And the point of the article is to whitewash far-left politics and politicians so they can get Christians to sympathize with the left. Of course, Christians believe in civil rights. People on all sides of the political spectrum continue to advocate for civil rights — actual, true, real civil rights. But what Carter fails to mention in his 9 things you should know about the guy is his God-hating promotion of gay rights — which isn’t civil rights, but LGBTQ indoctrination — and his relentless push for expanding abortion.

Here’s what the National Abortion Federation writes about Lewis and his leftist politics:

“Representative John Lewis was a hero: a man of courage, conviction, and wisdom; an unrelenting champion of civil rights, racial justice, women’s rights, and abortion rights; an exemplar who never gave up hope for a more just country that would be a positive force for a better world.”

And, in 1966, Lewis delivered a passionate and rousing speech against the Defense of Marriage Act, stating “This bill is a slap in the face of the Declaration of Independence … It denies gay men and women the right to liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Marriage is a basic human right.”

Lewis, like MLK, may have contributed to some positive advances in civil rights during his life. But this is overshadowed by his complete rebellion against God and advancement of leftism. He, like Adolph Hitler, is no man any Christian should be celebrating.

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