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Drag Queen Church Puts on Mock Courtroom Performance Deliberating Anti-Homosexual Passages

by | Dec 19, 2023 | Apostasy, Cult, heresy, LGBTQ Issues, News, Religion, Social-Issues, Video | 0 comments

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In an era where the Scriptures are regularly co-opted and twisted by progressives as a battering ram against conservatism, particularly concerning LGBTQ issues, it’s crucial to confront the misleading exegesis propagated by certain progressive movements. A “church,” (a false church, of course), recently put on an absurd courtroom performance depicting the deliberation of certain Greek terms in the New Testament passages from 1 Corinthians and 1 Timothy. These clowns attempt to redefine the clear biblical stance on homosexuality, even embracing rank heresy to do so.

This silliness should be dismissed outright as the Apostle Paul’s words in these passages are unequivocal, listing behaviors incompatible with inheriting the kingdom of God, including “fornicators,” “idolaters,” “adulterers,” the “effeminate,” and “abusers of themselves with mankind.” These terms, drawn from the Greek “malakoi” and “arsenokoitai,” are clear in their meaning and have historically been interpreted in the context of the whole of Scripture’s teaching against sexual immorality.

The term “malakoi” has been grossly misinterpreted and redefined by progressives to fit a modern narrative, but orthodox biblical theology has always understood this to denote those engaging in homosexual acts. The term “arsenokoitai,” a Pauline coinage, straightforwardly condemns male homosexual intercourse, linking back to Levitical law. The argument that Paul’s words were bound to his time and culture, and therefore not applicable today, is a thinly veiled attempt to conform Scripture to contemporary norms. The Word of God transcends time and culture. Suggesting Paul’s condemnations are merely a product of his time undermines Scripture as the inspired, inerrant Word of God.

The claim that biblical texts do not address “loving,” consensual same-sex relationships as understood today is a blatant attempt to redefine biblical love. Biblical love is defined by obedience to God’s commands, not contemporary standards of consent or sentimentality. The biblical interpretation of these passages is not just one perspective among many, it is the only interpretation that faithfully upholds Scripture’s authority. It does not bend to cultural pressures or modern reinterpretations but stands firm on the foundation laid by the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus as the cornerstone.

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Attempts to rewrite and reinterpret Scripture to align with social agendas must be seen as a departure from the true gospel. As believers committed to the inerrancy and sufficiency of Scripture, we must reject these reinterpretations and boldly proclaim the unchanging truth of God’s Word. In an age of confusion and compromise, the church must stand unwaveringly, upholding biblical teaching on all matters, including the sinfulness of homosexual behavior. Scripture’s teaching on this issue is timeless, relevant, and authoritative. Any interpretation that contradicts this truth is not only biblically baseless but spiritually perilous.

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