The Episcopal Church is an apostate denomination. In August 2022, they passed a resolution affirming sex change surgeries for children of any age. Because apparently mutilating children’s bodies to fit a certain ideology is a top priority for this “Christian”...
LGBTQ Issues
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Churches Embracing Queer Ideologies are Idolatrous, Robbing God of the Glory He Deserves
Every day, it seems we're confronted with another headline about how the Church is "evolving" or "becoming more inclusive" by embracing some version of queer theory or gender ideology. But here's the crux of the matter: this so-called progress is actually a profound...
Texas Church Hosts “All Ages” Drag Bingo, Major Protest Ensues
A major protest has ensued during a drag queen event hosted by First Christian Church in Katy, TX. The "all ages" drag queen bingo event drew nearly 300 protestors as they lined the streets surrounding the so-called church. This church describes itself as a church...
Progressive “Pastor” Says Because Jesus Was Born of a Virgin, That Makes Him “Non-Binary”
In Acts 16:16-18, we are told of a slave girl who had a spirit of divination and followed around the Apostle Paul during his ministry proclaiming that Paul and his fellow ministers had the truth and the way of salvation. But Paul was able to see right through her...
SBC Prez Who Called on Christians to Stand Up for LGBTQ Rights Now Angry that LGBTQ Activists are Mutilating Children
You may remember back in 2019 when Southern Baptist Convention president, JD Greear, called on Christians to be the first ones to stand up for LGBTQ rights. This was during the same sermon where Greear insisted that the Bible only "whispers" about homosexuality—and...
Few Years After Church Removed From Denomination For Embracing LGBTQ Movement, Church Dies, Closes
A few years ago, Adam Philips, the pastor of Christ Church in Portland Oregon announced that his church would be open and welcoming to homosexuals. Embracing the Matthew Vines "gay Christianity" movement, the church began its slow, years-long death culminating in its...
Beth Moore Heads Preaching Conference at Gay-Affirming “Christian” University
Beth Moore is one of Evangelicalism’s foremost progressive activists who has used her platform to advance some of the most godless ideologies in the Church which are contrary to the doctrines taught in Scripture. Earlier this year, Moore exposed herself as a woman...
Wake Up Church! If This Doesn’t Tick You Off, Nothing Will. Youngest “Transgender” Model Ever
Judgment begins in the house of God. The Church has been largely silent on the transgender movement plaguing the nations. Spearheaded by leftists like Russell Moore and David French (who says that abnormal sexual behavior is a "blessing of liberty"), aberrant...
Idaho Health Department Pushing “Porn Literacy” Pro-Porn Educational Materials to Elementary Students
If you still have kids in public schools, now is the time to find a way out. These schools are no longer serving your children by teaching reading, writing, and arithmetic. These schools are now completely sold out to indoctrinating your children into an alternative,...
Gay-Affirming Max Lucado Now Takes Up Speaking in Tongues as Part of His Daily Prayer Time
Over the years, we've written a number of articles on the increasingly affirming and ecumenical Max Lucado. Previously, we described Lucado as "fairly orthodox though not without problems," however, in his neverending slide toward total apostasy, Lucado continues to...
What We Are Witnessing is Sodom and Gomorrah on a Worldwide Scale
In Genesis 19, God sent two angels to the city of Sodom where they were greeted by Lot and urged to take shelter at his home rather than in the midst of the city. The two angels, who were sent in the form of men, decided to stay with Lot. Later that evening, the...
Drag Queen Puts Out Music Video Mocking Biblical Christianity and Singing About Indoctrinating Children
Two of the most influential institutions in the world are the various religions and the entertainment industry. While a sweeping majority of Americans today still claim to believe in "God," the god they believe in is anything but the Creator of all things. For the...
Children Desperately Try to Hide Faces as Parents Drag Them to Drag Queen Church Service Luncheon
Last December, The Dissenter reported that an institution masquerading as a “church” allowed a drag queen to take the pulpit to indoctrinate children and then hold a “prayer time” with them. As the man dressed in risque flamboyant clothing sat with the children, he...
White Horse Inn Tells Pastors They’re Causing Homosexuals to Commit Suicide by Preaching Truth
Michael Horton, a well-known theologian in Reformed-*ish* Evangelical circles and host of the popular podcast, White Horse Inn, in 2020, denounced support for Donald Trump as “The Cult of Christian Trumpism” in a piece at The Gospel Coalition. Horton has been a...
Baptist News Global Says if You Don’t Support Gay Sex Pill, You Don’t Love Your Neighbor
The epic Scripture twisting coming from the left is absolutely astonishing. We reported earlier today that MSNBC's resident "backslidden Baptist," Joe Scarborough, went on an epic bible-twisting smear campaign against Jesus to try to demonstrate that somehow, in the...
Former Dove Award Winner to Join Drag Queen and Lesbian Artists in New “Christian” Music Album
You may remember the "Christian" rock band from the late '90s and early '2000s, Caedmon's Call, which featured popular singers such as Doug Elmore, Cari Harris Moore, and Derek Webb. Webb was the recipient of three GMA Dove awards, 10 nominations for the award, and...
JD Greear Updates His Stances on Preferred Pronouns and the Bible “Whispering” About Homosexuality
A few years ago, former Southern Baptist Convention president JD Greear made headlines on multiple occasions where he capitulated to the postmodern sexual ethic the world has embraced by stating that he would use the preferred pronouns for "transgender" people he came...
Christian Teacher Jailed in Ireland After Refusing to Address Transgender Student With Preferred Pronouns. Are We Next?
If you think the militant LGBTQ mafia isn’t powerful, you’re wrong. Those given over to the lusts of their hearts are given over to and controlled by forces of darkness. And they are powerful. They will crush anyone who dissents from their propaganda and ideological...
Prominent Catholic “Bible Scholar” Argues the Bible is Pro-Homosexual
Recently, James Martin, a prominent pro-sodomy Roman Catholic priest, was assigned by Pope Francis to a major position with the Vatican. That position is a five-year term as a consultor for the Vatican's Dicastery for Communication. The position, according to Martin,...
Drag Queen Performs at “Back to School” Extravaganza in Utah
While most sane parents want to protect their children from predators, others who have gone completely insane, instead, will hand them over and feed them directly into the mouths of sick and evil people. This is the left's effort to normalize sexual misbehavior and...
David Platt’s Church Holds Class With Book Written By Pro-Abortion Obama Staffer
A prominent Obama campaign staffer tied to Russell Moore, the ERLC, and The Gospel Coalition, has proposed a federal law legalizing abortion up to 15 weeks. Who is Michael Wear? According to Wear’s website for his “Reclaiming Hope” initiative, he is former...
Conservative Christians Release Statement Opposing State-Ownership of Children and Totalitarian Authority
In the midst of the most significant move in American history to destroy our rights, freedoms, and parental authority over our children, it is undeniably clear that this nation is moving ever closer to complete chaos. More and more states are imposing unjust laws...