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SBC Prez Who Called on Christians to Stand Up for LGBTQ Rights Now Angry that LGBTQ Activists are Mutilating Children

by | Sep 21, 2022 | Abortion, LGBTQ Issues, News, Politics, Religion, Social Justice, Social-Issues, The Church, Video | 0 comments

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You may remember back in 2019 when Southern Baptist Convention president, JD Greear, called on Christians to be the first ones to stand up for LGBTQ rights. This was during the same sermon where Greear insisted that the Bible only “whispers” about homosexuality—and that predated even Ed Litton’s plagiarized sermon where he echoed Greear’s absurd words.

“You will begin to treat them first and foremost like people who deserve compassion,” Greear preached. “Not scorn, or judgment, or a political voting bloc we need to marginalize. When you understand that, then what that means is you will become a person who will, for example, stand up and be among the fiercest advocates for the preservation of the dignity and the rights of LGBT people. Because we recognize that gay and lesbian people are just like us.”

If you don’t remember, here is the video of Greear calling on Christians to stand up for the rights of LGBTQ people.

In case you missed it, Matt Walsh, a conservative political and religious commentator, broke a story involving Vanderbilt University where the school started a “transgender clinic” in 2018. Walsh exposed that the staff at the clinic had bragged about how much money the clinic would make by performing disgusting transgender surgeries on children. One of the staff members was seen on video telling the other staff that if they had religious objections to mutilating children, there would be “consequences” and they shouldn’t work at Vanderbilt.

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Here’s that video:

Three years after his comments urging Christians to stand up for these rights, Greear is now calling what these people who he called on us to stand up for are doing to children.

But what about their rights, JD Greear? Didn’t you want us to stand up for them? These are the rights that they wanted, and you were either too naive or too dishonest to know this. My guess is both. You knew that the LGBTQ movement wasn’t just after equal treatment in the secular workplace. You knew they weren’t just after being able to have a cake baked for their gay weddings.

You knew that they weren’t just trying to get a seat at a table at a restaurant without having their food spit in. You knew all this, yet, you lambasted Christians who were speaking out against this garbage. And now you want us to take you seriously when you call this horrendous? This is your fault. It is the fault of pastors like you who bow the knee to the secular culture and embraced godless movements like Black Lives Matter, Feminism and the #ChurchToo movement, and the LGBTQ movement all while you lecture the church on how voting for the people who allow this stuff is a secondary issue. Woe to you.

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