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Christian Teacher Jailed in Ireland After Refusing to Address Transgender Student With Preferred Pronouns. Are We Next?

by | Sep 6, 2022 | LGBTQ Issues, News, Religion, Social-Issues | 0 comments

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If you think the militant LGBTQ mafia isn’t powerful, you’re wrong. Those given over to the lusts of their hearts are given over to and controlled by forces of darkness. And they are powerful. They will crush anyone who dissents from their propaganda and ideological movement. And those who have the most to lose are those in notable positions such as business leaders, celebrities, and professional sports players.

And teachers.

Making headlines this week is a story of an Evangelical Christian in Ireland who was jailed after refusing to use the preferred “gender-neutral” pronouns of a transgender person in his class where he worked as a teacher at Wilson’s Hospital School in Westmeath. Enoch Burke, who wouldn’t use the pronouns “they/them” for this student, was issued a court order not to even step foot on campus at the boarding school operated by the Church of Ireland.

After breaking the court order, Burke was imprisoned as he told the judge “I love my school, with its motto Res Non Verba, actions not words, but I am here today because I said I would not call a boy a girl,” he told the judge before his jailing.

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The push to abandon objective reality and adopt an irrational mindset around transgenderism and its various cousins is propped up by Evangelical leaders such as former Southern Baptist president, JD Greear who says he would use preferred pronouns:

If a transgender person came into our church, came into my life, I think my disposition would be to refer to them by their preferred pronoun. When we want to talk about gender, I will be clear to them about the truth. The question is that the battlefront you want to choose.

This illogical reasoning is prominent throughout mainstream Evangelicalism and outlets such as The Gospel Coalition (TGC). Echoing the sentiments of “pronoun hospitality” by Southern Baptist president, J.D. Greear, Rachel Gilson at TGC argues for tolerance of transgenderism in the Church by insisting that using the “preferred pronouns” of transgender people is a “matter of conscience” rather than an abandonment of reality.

Various polls show that the majority of Americans openly support gay marriage. It’s no wonder since we can’t even get the Church to take a biblical stand against sexual immorality. State governments are banning Christian counseling that seeks to help homosexuals struggling with unwanted same-sex desires, labeling Christian beliefs as “harmful” and “abusive.”

Corporations are punishing Christians and conservatives who support legislation protecting children from chemical castration under the guise of “gender-affirming medical care” by moving their business out of the state. And those who hold to a traditional, biblical sexual ethic are being “canceled” from every major social media platform, losing their jobs, and even being legally punished with lawsuits for daring not to violate their consciences.

Clearly, it is only a matter of time before Christians in America are jailed for their beliefs as well—there is no way to suggest that it isn’t going to happen sooner or later.

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