In the aftermath of the Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, a chorus of celebration erupted from the conservative corner of America. The triumph was substantial, the cries of victory deafening. Republican leaders and right-wing pundits proudly declared...
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Trump’s Roman Catholic Pick for Vice President Solidifies GOP’s New “Safe, Legal, and Rare” Position on Abortion
Meet J.D. Vance, the evangelical pop-politician who’s become the poster boy for "religious populism" among starry-eyed Republicans and credulous Evangelicals. It's a curious badge of honor for a man—a man who converted from atheism to Roman Catholicism just a few...
“Christian” Union Seminary Pays Homage to Great Zen Master by Inviting Hindu Monks to Lead Worship
Recently, we reported that Union Theological Seminary, the home of the arch-heretic of Liberation Theology, James Cone, is now offering a Master of Arts in Social Justice. The Master of Arts in Social Justice program at Union Seminary consists of “build[ing]...
Raphael Warnock Says Isaiah 40:5 Means We Need LGBTQ Perspectives to Understand God’s Glory
Raphael Warnock, the pro-LGBTQ pro-abortion senator and "pastor" from Georgia never ceases to amaze me with the amount of Scripture twisting he can concoct in order to advance his ungodly cause. Warnock recently preached a sermon claiming that Isaiah 40:5 was about...
Trans “Pastor” Explains How His Identity Politics Caused Him to Abandon Solid Theologians In Favor of Apostates
Last year, Seventh Day Adventist youth pastor at Walla Walla University Church in Redlands, California, Kris Loewen, came out as a "transgender" and began to act and dress like a woman. While serving as the youth pastor, Loewen made a Facebook post referring to God as...
Christianity Today Praises Same-Sex Marriage Bill, Calls it a “Good Day’s Work”
If you've been paying attention, you're probably aware that the Senate, with the help of enough Republicans to bypass a filibuster, passed the Respect for Marriage Act which codifies same-sex marriage into national policy. The legislation already passed the House in...
SBC Pastor Argues Unborn Children Shouldn’t Have Equal Protection Because God Was Merciful on Paul for Killing Christians
The Overton Window is quickly being moved as Southern Baptists increasingly shift closer to the progressive position of the last decade on abortion. The Democrat mantra on abortion used to be “safe, legal, and rare.” It was their way of disguising their pro-abortion...
Imagine if These Were Your Children’s Teachers: Exit the Public School System ASAP!
The public school system has long been a means by which the left indoctrinates children and is the catalyst behind the liberal shift in our society. If you wonder why the world is descending into mass chaos, understand that Satan himself has commandeered the public...
Pastor 🤡 Says Vote for Warnock to Establish the Kingdom of God for Red, Yellow, Black, White, Gay, Straight, Etc.
Just when you thought the stupidity was over, another blaspheming heretic pops up and demonstrates exactly how biblically illiterate they are. During the election cycle, we saw GA gubernatorial candidate, Stacey Abrams, visit church after church to receive praise and...
Biden Admin Issues Guidance Requiring Illegal Underage Children be Transported Across State Lines for Abortions
All we’ve heard for the last 6 years is how horrible Trump was because he said mean things to people on Twitter or was caught on tape making crude remarks about women. And while some of that is legitimately worth a sound rebuke, the Biden administration is by far the most godless, toxic administration to ever take office in our nation.
Canadian Man Alleges Hospital is Pressuring Him to End His Life by Assisted Suicide
A Canadian man with a disability affecting his brain and muscles is suing the hospital treating him, alleging that healthcare workers at the facility have been pressuring him to end his life by assisted suicide. Roger Foley, who is currently being cared for at...
Religious Leftist, David French, Celebrates Extreme Pro-Abortionist Winning PA Governorship
David French, a religious ally of other "Christian" progressives including former Southern Baptist leader Russell Moore, Veggie Tales creator, Phil Vischer, and former head of the NIH, Francis Collins, has not been living up to his own standard when it comes to...
God’s Judgment: Michigan Passes Ballot Measure to Amend Constitution to Allow Abortion Up to Birth
The wrath of God is upon us like never before. What seemed like many to be a sure landslide for Republicans turned out to be at best a dried-up lagoon of just a handful of conservatives who barely squeezed by. On the other hand, the vast majority of the nation...
Calvin University Caves to Queer Activists, Allows Pro-Sodomy Activists to Continue Teaching
Anyone acting surprised that Calvin University has caved to the cultural prostitutes of LGBTQ activism hasn't actually been following the news. For years, Calvin University has been in liberal decline as it has increasingly embraced facets of the LGBTQ movement...
Taxpayer-Funded NPR Airs Disturbing Audio of Woman Having an Abortion at 11 Weeks
National Public Radio, which receives roughly 10 percent of its funding from taxpayers, recently aired the audio of a woman having an abortion. The audio comes from a woman in Michigan who was caught with NPR journalist, Kate Wells, who followed the woman through the...
New Zealand Government Implements Toll-Free Dial-In Abortion Service
The New Zealand Government has launched a new ‘DIY’ abortion scheme that allows women and girls to ‘free-phone’ a number and have abortion pills delivered to them in what has been described as ‘state-sponsored backstreet abortion’. Following...
Virgil Walker: Stacey Abrams is in the Pulpit Talking About Murdering Children, Should Cause Us to Tremble
Virgil Walker, our friend from the popular Just Thinking podcast just dropped a "truth bomb" about Stacey Abrams who is running around from church to church like an apostle of Satan himself preaching a message of progressivism. Here at The Dissenter, we've covered...
TD Jakes Welcomes Extreme Pro-Abortionist, Pro-LGBTQ Politician, Beto O’Rourke, to His Church
When you have no actual Christian convictions and the only thing you care about is how to use the name of God to become filthy rich, it shouldn't surprise anyone that you end up with an anti-Christ shaking hands with the members of your congregation on Sunday morning....
The Gospel Coalition Puts Out a “Touch Not My Anointed”-Like Article About Criticizing Pastors
The Gospel Coalition has long been an outlet for progressivism whether it be theological liberalism or political activism. And The Gospel Coalition has long been criticized by conservative Christians who reject the notion that only leftists are allowed to be vocal...
What is Wrong With This World That Parents Would Hand Their Children Over to Sex Perverts?
What was unthinkable just 10 years ago has become a celebrated phenomenon in our society today. The fact that parents are so eager and willing to hand their children over to perverted men dressed like insulting caricatures of women is really strange. Watch: Since the...
Pope Appoints Atheist Pro-Abortion Extremist to Vatican’s Pro-Life “Pontifical Academy for Life” Organization
If the current pope of the Roman Catholic Church is anything, it's consistent. He's consistently inconsistent, that is. The pope has been inconsistent on homosexuality and the LGBTQ movement, recently telling homosexuals that they are "God's children" and that God...
Georgia Candidate for Governor, Stacey Abrams, Says We Need More Abortions to Address Inflation
Georgia gubernatorial candidate, Stacey Abrams—who has been traveling around from church to church preaching sermons on how abortion is necessary to further her religious cult's agenda—has put on her clown suit once again as she takes to MSNBC to evangelize the last...