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Georgia Candidate for Governor, Stacey Abrams, Says We Need More Abortions to Address Inflation

by | Oct 19, 2022 | Abortion, Apostasy, News, Politics, Religion, Social-Issues, Video | 0 comments

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Georgia gubernatorial candidate, Stacey Abrams—who has been traveling around from church to church preaching sermons on how abortion is necessary to further her religious cult’s agenda—has put on her clown suit once again as she takes to MSNBC to evangelize the last for her mission.

Watching many of these woke, leftist churches all but bow down and worship Georgia gubernatorial candidate, Stacey Abrams, is quite a sight to behold. We’ve brought you many stories over the last several weeks demonstrating that not only does Abrams fans and followers think of her as a Christ-like figure, but she even compares herself to Jesus claiming that she, like Jesus, is the “solid foundation” that the state needs to rebuild.

Abrams has also long been a favorite among progressive “Christian” idolaters like Lecrae, who says his daughter looks up to her not because she’s an accomplished woman with high moral standards, but because she’s black.

But if you really want to know who these idolaters think of as a Messiah figure, look no further than her own words. Recently, Abrams went on MSNBC and was asked, surprisingly, fair questions about what she would do for the economy instead of making abortion her number one priority in life. And, unsurprisingly, Abrams elevated her religious rite of abortion as the best way to alleviate suffering in the economy. Her message was basically that we need more abortions because having children is why people are worried about the economy.

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