In an age where godliness is routinely sacrificed on the altar of secularism, a disturbing trend has unfurled its deceptive tendrils, even within sanctuaries, disguised as churches, meant to stand as fortresses of truth. An egregious example of this malaise is an...
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Ed Stetzer’s Super Bowl He Gets Us Commercial is the Most Blasphemous One Yet, Depicts Jesus as Affirming of Homosexuality and Abortion
Last year, The Dissenter reported on a proposed partnership between the Southern Baptist Convention’s North American Mission Board (NAMB) and a heretical “evangelism” ministry called He Gets Us. He Gets Us, as we demonstrated, is not only a gay-affirming ministry that...
New Zealand to Introduce Extreme Assisted Suicide Law
New Zealand has voted to introduce an extreme assisted suicide law in a binding public referendum. Preliminary results, announced by the country’s electoral commission today, show 65.2% of voters supported the End of Life Choice Act coming into force as a...
Judgment is Here: Seventy Percent of Americans Support Same-Sex Marriage
God has no doubt unleashed his wrath and judgment upon this nation. While many of us are struggling to hang on to the last thread of conservatism in this country -- hoping that Donald Trump can pull off one more election -- the country has undoubtedly already been...
Voting and the Christian Ethic
In this extended episode, I rant about what your voting behavior reveals about your beliefs and what your beliefs tell us about your Christianity. Do you embrace the version of Christianity that is supernaturally revealed in Scripture or have you unwittingly embraced...
Al Mohler, Asleep at the Wheel, Finally Explains Why Christians Must Support Trump
Al Mohler, president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and arguably the most influential leader in the entire Southern Baptist Convention, is well-known for leading from behind and speaking out after the crap hits the fan and it's too late to make a...
56 Percent of Catholics and 43 Percent of Protestants are Pro-Abortion
It's no wonder Southern Baptist president, J.D. Greear, allows a pro-abortion woman to teach Bible study at his church -- it's difficult to find professing Evangelicals that are still pro-life. Despite the weak-hearted efforts of some Evangelical leaders to stand on...
Podcast: On John Piper’s Tacit Promotion of Joe Biden and the Democrat Party
In this episode, I do a follow up on Piper’s voting article in light of his statement that he will not vote for Trump or Biden which is effectively a waste of time. Why vote at all? The point of the riposte is to counter the claim that Piper was not targeting Trump. I...
The Prophets of Baal: TGC’s Q-Anon & Platt & Piper’s Bizarre Voting Philosophies
In this episode, I RANT about TGC’s manipulative use of Q-Anon, David Platt’s “Before You Vote” and John Piper’s article, “Policies, Persons, and Paths to Ruin.” While each of these is tackling different subjects, they are all working hard for the same end: they want...
John Piper Says Trump’s Personal Immorality More Deadly Than Planned Parenthood
One of the most baffling epidemics plaguing the Christian Church in our modern times is the push to move the Church away from traditional biblical conservatism and closer to the center-left. Several prominent Evangelical pastors and theologians have shifted toward...
Veggie Tales Creator Tries and Fails to Make the Case for Voting for Pro-Abortion Democrats
Veggie Tales creator, Phil Vischer, has recently unmasked himself as a pro-socialist, anti-conservative defender of Democrats who wants to try to create a moral equivalency between the slaughter of millions of innocent children and alleviating Polio. Vischer, who also...
What’s the Point to Abortion Opposition If Finicking Over Leadership Matters More?
If anyone would ask me how would I feel about President Trump’s pro-life stances from a potential voter in the 2016 election, one could be rest assured that I would remain fairly hesitant on the subject overall—in fact, my feelings about the candidate would have been...
Dutch Government to Allow Abortion of Children Under 12-Years-OId
Doctors will be able to euthanise children between the ages of one and 12 in the Netherlands under the country’s ever-expanding assisted suicide regime. Deputy Prime Minister Hugo de Jonge, who also serves as the Health Minister, wrote to Dutch politicians this...
ERLC Speaker Explains How She Considered an Abortion and is No Longer Pro-Life
Last year, Reformation Charlotte reported how a woman named Shannon Dingle had been enlisted by the Southern Baptist Convention's Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) as an "expert resource" on parenting children with disabilities. The purpose of the report...
UK’s Largest Abortion Provider Boasts Same-Day Abortions But Denies Pregnant Woman Counseling
A pregnant woman has had an abortion after being denied face-to-face counseling services from the UK’s largest abortion provider, BPAS, which boasts that it can offer same-day abortions in its ‘considering abortion’ booklet. Nikita Jain Jones was unsure whether or not...
Southern Baptist Leaders Sign Statement Declaring Baby-Killers “Followers of Jesus”
Last week, when Billy Graham's granddaughter signed an endorsement of Joe Biden dubbed "Pro-Life Evangelicals for Biden" -- an oxymoron if there ever was one -- it seemed as though it was settled that Evangelicalism had completely fallen. It seemed as though the...
The Gospel Coalition Says We Can Find “Kingdom Values” in Both Political Parties
Some of the stupidest, most asinine anti-Christian rhetoric comes out of the progressive wing of Christianity, also known as The Gospel Coalition. The Gospel Coalition is a loosely-affiliated network of progressive Evangelicals that serve to undermine both the...
Abortions in France Hit Record High
The number of abortion procedures carried out in France during 2019 were the highest on recording, according to new statistics. A report released by the French Directorate of Research, Studies, Evaluation and Statistics (Drees), 232,244 abortions occurred in...
Billy Graham’s Granddaughter Among Signers of “Pro-Life Evangelicals for Biden” Statement
One of the most oxymoronic statements of 2020 is the statement itself, "Pro-Life Evangelicals for Biden." Joe Biden, himself, is the epitome of pro-abortion and the left has determined that more access to abortion is the path forward for this country. Besides the fact...
Down’s Syndrome Abortions Likely to Increase After Scottish Govt Announce Roll-Out of New Scheme
The number of babies with Down’s syndrome aborted in Scotland is likely to increase following a decision announced by Public Health Scotland to roll-out a nationwide testing scheme for the condition across all NHS hospitals. Individuals with Down’s syndrome,...
Father of Five Girls Cuts Wife’s Stomach Resulting in Stillbirth of Baby Because He Wanted a Boy
A father to five girls may have caused the death of his preborn son after he allegedly cut open the belly of his wife to find out if she was expecting a boy. The mother was in a critical condition when she was taken to a hospital in India’s capital, Delhi,...
Pro-Abortion Female Bible Teacher at JD Greear’s Church Praises Ruth Bader Ginsburg
You would think that the top leader of the Southern Baptist Convention -- the largest Protestant denomination in America that calls itself "conservative" -- would hold his own church accountable to the Scriptures on issues that shouldn't even be debatable -- like...