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Sick: Planned Parenthood Unveils Pro-Abortion Condom Ice Cream Truck

Sick: Planned Parenthood Unveils Pro-Abortion Condom Ice Cream Truck

If the thought of eating anything served up by Planned Parenthood turns your stomach, you're in good company. Fortunately, though, this ice cream isn't edible. Instead, mocking an ice cream truck, Planned Parenthood is unveiling a new condom truck that just looks like...

Recovering the True Christian Church For Its Mission

Recovering the True Christian Church For Its Mission

Christ Himself is the Foundation of the Church When one surveys the history of Christianity and compares that history with the original teachings of Christianity, it can be an eye-opening experience. For example, we know that the Christian church is built by Christ,...

Will God Forgive Me For My Abortion?

Will God Forgive Me For My Abortion?

It's easy to think that you've done something so terrible that God would never forgive you. After all, abortion is murder, and what sins are graver than murder? Does God forgive murderers? Good news. Yes, he does! If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to...

Nurse Who Opened Abortion Clinic Awarded “Nurse of the Year”

Nurse Who Opened Abortion Clinic Awarded “Nurse of the Year”

The Royal College of Nursing (RCN) has given its top award to a nurse who opened a new abortion clinic in Belfast. Sexual health nurse Nicola Bailey was named RCN Nurse of the Year 2021 at the RCN Nursing Awards ceremony, held earlier this year, for...

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