In a sermon from Berean Baptist Church in Winston Salem, NC, Lieutenant Governor, Mark Robinson, preached a sermon denouncing the transgender movement.
“Something else I’m not supposed to say,” Robinson said, “ain’t but two genders.”
Robinson has been the target of left-wing media outlets in North Carolina like WRAL and the Charlotte Observer. Last week, Robinson told his followers that he “regretted” paying for his wife to have an abortion before they were married but is now staunchly against abortion.

Mark is now an outspoken advocate for life who has since been redeemed by Christ and had his sins forgiven. However, his critics have used his past against him claiming that he has no authority to speak out against abortion since he participated in one himself. Of course, this is exactly how the left wants to treat people because the left does not understand the mercy and grace of God.
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Robinson continued in his sermon railing against the transgender movement, “I can already see WRAL…get every word of this here…you can go to the doctor and get cut up. You can go down to the dress shop and get made up. You can go down there and get drugged up. But at the end of the day you’re just a drugged up, dressed up, made up, cut up man or a woman.”
Robinson also railed against the indoctrination of this stuff in public schools, stating that “2+2 don’t equal transgender, it equals 4.”
“We need to get back to teaching our kids how to read,” he preached, “instead of teaching them how to go to hell.”