Since the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, leftists have come unglued thinking about the possibility of their religious sacrament of child sacrifice being taken from them. And honestly, the likelihood of that happening is slim to none—most Americans actually...
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Record High Abortion Numbers in Scotland Demonstrate Failure of the Pro-Life Movement’s Incrementalist Strategy
The recent abortion statistics from Scotland published in a press release by Right to Life UK reveal a horrifying reality—abortions reached an unprecedented high in 2023, with 18,207 innocent lives lost. This represents a 9.63% increase from the previous year, and a...
Pastor Angry About Abortion Ruling Urges Congregation “Let’s All Go Get Vasectomies,” “America is Going to Hell”
Pastor William Murphy from The dReam Center Church went on a tirade this weekend over the Supreme Court ruling overturning Roe v. Wade. In his tirade against the ruling, he urged all the men in his congregation to go get vasectomies as he stood there and proclaimed...
ERLC Leader That Called Trump Voters “Whores” Lectures Southern Baptists on “Tone”
Last week, The Dissenter reported that ERLC vice-chair of the trustee board and prominent Southern Baptist pastor, Kevin Smith, took to the microphone at the SBC annual meeting during a panel discussion with Matt Chandler, Danny Akin, Mark Dever, and others, to...
Pastor Gives Stupidest Reason Ever For Not Supporting Anti-Abortion Laws, Then Says “God is Pro-Choice”
I've heard a lot of dumb reasons that leftists throw out to try to convince us that overturning Roe v. Wade is ba-a-a-a-ad, but hardly any compared to the stupidity that just poured out of the mouth of Seattle pastor, Mike Thomas. Thomas, pastor of Radiant Church is...
Pastor Says If You Celebrate Supreme Court Roe Ruling, You’re Worthy of Hellfire
Yesterday, The Dissenter reported that The Gospel Coalition published an article urging Christians to withhold celebration in the wake of the Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade. The article attempted to persuade Christians to refrain from joy despite the fact that...
Big Eva’s Shilling for Dems Crumbles as Dems Vow to Codify Abortion Into National Policy if Re-Elected
God is exposing the hypocritical Evangelical leaders who have been harping on conservatives for years insisting that there is no immorality in professing Christians voting for the Democrat Party. We've argued for years that voting for Democrats is incompatible with...
Number 1 Contemporary Christian Worship Artist Expresses “Rage” at Supreme Court Roe Decision
Yep, you read that right. Except, the word "Christian" should have been in scare quotes. Last year, The Dissenter reported that Grace Semler Baldridge–who goes by the stage name, Semler–had topped Lauren Daigle for the number one spot on the Christian music charts on...
That Time When Mark Dever Argued Single-Issue Voting Was Bad Because Republicans Can’t Do Anything About Abortion Anyways
Over the last several years, we've heard Evangelical leaders lecture the Church about how conservatives need to make room for the moral legitimacy of voting for Democrats because single-issue voting is bad. The reason, they argued, is that Republicans can't do...
Jeff Durbin Accuses ERLC of Heresy For False Teaching on Mother’s Culpability in Having an Abortion
As the Southern Baptist Convention’s annual meeting wrapped up last week, several of the pastors, leaders, and entity heads made it clear as to what their allegiance is to—and for an alarming number of them, it isn’t to Scripture. To the applause of the majority of...
Episcopal Priestess Leads Congregation in Lament Over Supreme Court Overturning Roe v. Wade
An Atlanta church held a service of lament this past Sunday decrying the Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe v. Wade. Winnie Varghese, one of St. Luke's Episcopal Church in Atlanta's "pastors," denounced in one breath the decision to overturn Roe which guaranteed...
ERLC Socialist Hijacking of Pro-Life Movement: Watch ERLC Speaker Compare Abortion to Smoking, Climate Change
I've written dozens of times on the hijacking of the pro-life movement to advance socialism. The progressive Evangelical "pro-life from the womb to the tomb," as they call it, has been adopted by the Southern Baptist Convention's Ethics and Religious Liberty...
CNN Runs Story of Mother Lamenting She Has to Raise Her Son Because She Couldn’t Get an Abortion in Time
In the wake of the landmark decision by the Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade, liberals, progressives, and leftists (all the same thing), are up in arms doing everything they can to try to convince people that this was the worst thing that could have ever happened...
Pro-Choice “Pastor” Vows to Continue to Fight for Abortion Rights
In years past, Christianity dominated the religious landscape of Western civilizations. But in modern times, a new religious cult has taken over and now dominates every corner of Western society and mirrors the ancient pagan cult of the god Molech. …all who hate me...
Many Evangelicals Silent Today as Roe v. Wade Is Overturned
Today marks a historic day in America as one of the longest-running blights on the face of this nation has finally been removed. Today, the Supreme Court—much of whom were hand-picked by former President Donald Trump—overturned the infamous Roe v. Wade decision. Roe...
Amid SCOTUS Decision, Russell Moore, David French, and Other Big-Eva Types Have Egg All Over Their Face
In 2016, Evangelicals were clearly divided over Donald Trump for various reasons. Some, including myself, were unconvinced at the time that he would actually govern as conservatively as he proved to. Despite that, the vast majority still believed he'd be the better...
Supreme Court Opines That Unborn Life Can Never Be Constitutionally Protected
I don't want to dump water all over the flames of celebration right now in the wake of the Supreme Court decision today to overturn Roe v. Wade, but allow me to dump some water on the flames of celebration. This decision might look like a great decision on the...
Praise God! Supreme Court Overturns Roe v. Wade
After weeks of anticipation following a leak of the upcoming Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court has finally officially decided—Roe v. Wade has been overturned. The scourge and terror of violence that has been inflicted on millions upon...
Southern Baptists Shifting Toward “Safe, Legal, and Rare” Stance on Abortion
The Overton Window is quickly being moved as Southern Baptists increasingly shift closer to the progressive position of the last decade on abortion. The Democrat mantra on abortion used to be "safe, legal, and rare." It was their way of disguising their pro-abortion...
Anti-Social Justice Pastor, Tom Buck: “No Doubt in My Mind” There Will be a Split in the Southern Baptist Convention
The call for division in the Church is sometimes biblically necessary as the Bible calls for unity among the brethren, to be of one mind and of one accord. The Bible calls us to be united around the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ — which is the most important...
Meet The Women the ERLC Doesn’t Want to Punish for Abortion: “I Would Get Pregnant Just to Kill It”
As the Southern Baptist Convention's annual meeting wrapped up last week, several of the pastors, leaders, and entity heads made it clear as to what their allegiance is to—and for an alarming number of them, it isn't to Scripture. To the applause of the majority of...
Meet the New Southern Baptist Convention President, Bart Barber
If you've been paying attention, you're aware by now that this week's Southern Baptist Convention Annual Meeting resulted in a blow to conservatives in a roughly 60-40 vote for the presidential office for Bart Barber against his conservative opponent, Tom Ascol. As...