Earlier today, The Dissenter reported that a major SBC church in Richmond, VA, was holding a vote later this month to leave the Southern Baptist Convention over the Law Amendment which forbids cooperating churches from having women pastors. According to a special...
The Church
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SBC Cooperation Group Recommends Against Using Harsh Terms Like “Disfellowship” When Booting Churches With Women Pastors
The Southern Baptist Convention’s Cooperation Group, which was formed to study make recommendations on the role of women in the pastorate in the Southern Baptist Convention, released a draft of four recommendations for the upcoming convention. The group has...
WWUTT Video Sparks Outrage From Anti-Christ Mother-Daughter Duo, Beth and Melissa Moore
If you haven't seen the video yet, you should. WWUTT, a discernment video ministry of pastor Gabe Hughes released a video outlining the problems of Melissa Moore, the daughter of the ex-Southern Baptist lady-preacher, Beth Moore. Here is the video....
Timothy Keller’s Anti-Biblical Science: Beware Of 2 More Ways He Fails
In his article, “Creation, Evolution, and Christian Laypeople,” Keller stated that the ability to know God could result from an evolutionary process. He supposed that traits necessary for evolutionary survival and reproduction can also enable a person to believe in...
Transgender “Pastor” Rebukes Denny Burk for His “False Teachings” on Transgenderism
Denny Burk, a Southern Baptist pastor and professor—and a solid teacher on biblical sexual ethics—gave a lecture at Compass Bible Church in Aliso Viejo in 2019 on the dangerous teachings of LGBTQ and transgender ideology that are invading the Church and society. Ellie...
Justin Peters on Shawn Bolz and Disney: Why Are Charismatics So Weird
Shawn Bolz is the founder and former senior pastor of Expression58 Church and is now the CEO of Bolz Ministries. Bolz is closely tied to Bethel Church in Redding California, a hyper-charismatic, New Apostolic Reformation church which is known for its...
Woman Preaching From Pulpit Says Women Having Long Hair Signals to God That She is Under His Authority
I could be wrong, but my gut tells me that Beth Moore would take serious issues with this lady. After all, Beth Moore did have an encounter with a stranger at an airport where she was told by God to walk up to him and start brushing his hair. But this? I don't...
Pastor Preaches About How Successful He is, Calls People Who Criticize His Success “Losers”
John Hamblin, also known as "Hambone," is a traveling televangelist and revivalist who preaches in pulpits around the world. According to his website: Pastors who have had Dr. Hamblin in their pulpit have named him; “a Bible preacher of note”, “a powerful revivalist”...
The Inconvenient Holiness of God
For You are not a God who delights in wickedness; evil may not dwell with You.The boastful shall not stand before Your eyes; You hate all evildoers.You destroy those who speak lies; the Lord...
Stacey Abrams Preaches Pro-Abortion Sermon While Campaigning at Georgia Church
Stacey Abrams, the failed candidate for Georgia governor who never accepted her loss and masquerades as though she is the rightful governor of the state, is one of the most disgusting, vile human beings on the planet. Abrams is not only pro-abortion, but advocates for...
Voting for Child Killers is Not a Matter of Conscience, It’s Sin That Must Be Repented of
Since the Supreme Court's decision to strike down Roe earlier this year, Evangelical leftists have come out of the woodwork exposing themselves showing just how aligned they are with the godless policies of the left. Prior to the decision, Evangelicals would justify...
Acts 29 Church Under Matt Chandler’s Leadership Says Christians Need to Support Gender Inclusive Bathrooms
If you're not familiar with the Acts 29 network, it is a coalition of churches that are bound together under the leadership of its president, Matt Chandler. According to its website, "Acts 29 is a diverse, global community of healthy, multiplying churches...
The Rebellious Woman and the Destruction of Society
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not placing the blame for the destruction of our society squarely on woman’s shoulders. After all, God held Adam accountable for Eve’s rebellion, did he not? However, there is a trend in society, and we see it taking place in the Church as...
Abortion is “Christian” America’s Covenant With Death
In his book, Abortion Violation, author Rev. Rusty Lee Thomas cites Proverbs 8:36, in which the personification of Wisdom says, "All who hate me love death." In application, Thomas tells us, "[T]he rejection of God's wisdom leads selfish, autonomous men to love and...
Charismatic Nutcase Says She Commanded a Tornado to Stop and it Obeyed
Judy Brooks is the founder and CEO of Judy Brooks Ministries. Brooks is your typical prosperity gospel charlatan who teaches that it is always God's will for Christians to be healthy and wealthy. According to her bio, Brooks "is a highly sought-after Empowerment...
Michael Brown’s Colleague and Serial Blasphemer, Patricia King, “Tokes the Ghost” and “Injects the Blood of Jesus”
In a recent statement by the charismatic sub-Christian sect of professing Christendom titled the Prophetic Standards Statement, well-known Evangelical theologian, Wayne Grudem joined a host of false prophets affirming that those who prophesy falsely are not...
Pastor Shuts Down Worship Team Mid-song Saying “You’re Boring Me to Death”
Word of Faith heretic, charlatan, and false teacher and founder of Nxtion Family in London, UK, Pastor Tobi Adegboyega told his worship team this past Sunday to shut it down mid-song because they were “boring me to death.” “Okay, alrighty already, thank you...
Another Church Leaves SBC, “It’s Embarrassing” to Say We’re Part of the Southern Baptist Convention
At this rate, there won't be any conservative churches left in the Southern Baptist Convention by the end of 2022. These churches are dropping like flies from the denomination citing liberal drift, capitulation to woke, social justice movements, the LGBTQ movement,...
International Mega-Pastor Says Asking God for Forgiveness is Sin
Ryan Rufus, son of Rob Rufus, is a full-time pastor at City Church International and the founder of New Nature Ministries. Rufus, a South African-born Australian who has made his name traveling the globe to preach in many countries, told an audience in Hong Kong that...
SBC Leftists Up in Arms Because Al Mohler is Speaking at Conservative Conference With Ron DeSantis
Anyone who has followed my writing over the years knows that I am not a staunch defender of Al Mohler. In fact, I've been very critical of him when necessary pointing out what I believed to be a compromise of the Christian faith in favor of pragmatism. Mohler has a...
Robert Jeffress Invites Trinity-Denying Heretic to Lead Sunday Worship
There have been times when I've appreciated some of the stances that Southern Baptist megachurch pastor, Robert Jeffress has taken, particularly when it comes to culture and morality. And while we do diverge theologically, his stance against invading heresies like...
Charismatic False Prophets Like to Twist the “Touch Not My Anointed” Passages to Suit Their Own Passions
One of the most misused verses in Scripture is Philippians 4:13, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." The verse is rampant in the sports industry and misquoted by athletes who want to apply the verse to their phenomenal ability to play sports. But...