The Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) isn’t just fighting a battle over women pastors, though this is the issue that will be front and center at the 2024 annual meeting in June. The reality is that the SBC is facing full-on apostasy from every angle, from women...
The Church
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ERLC Head Lobbies Congress for Unconstitutional Bill That Makes it Illegal to Quote Scripture, “We Are in Full Support…”
Yesterday we reported that the U.S. House passed a bill that would challenge the freedom to express certain biblical truths regarding the Jews and their historical actions. The bill, known as the "Antisemitism Awareness Act of 2023" (H.R. 6090), proposes to adopt a...
President Biden Echoes Sentiments of Southern Baptist Leader Who Called MAGA Republicans “Whores”
In case you missed it, United States dictator, Joe Biden, with an ominous red Hitler-like background, announced that the "greatest threat" to this nation as "MAGA Republicans" and vowed to fight them. Everyone knows exactly what Biden...
Revoice Leader Says He Knows Matt Chandler’s Situation, Overblown, And Will Still Speak at Conference This Year
Earlier this week, we reported that Acts 29 leader and pastor of Village Church, Matt Chandler had stepped down in accordance with the recommendations of his fellow elders after he revealed that he'd had what was described as an "inappropriate" texting relationship...
Pro-choice “Pastor” and Dem Senator Says Jesus Only Claimed to Forgive Sins to Play Psychological Games With Them
In years past, Christianity dominated the religious landscape of Western civilizations. But in modern times, a new religious cult has taken over and now dominates every corner of Western society and mirrors the ancient pagan cult of the god Molech. …all who hate me...
Conservative Christians Release Statement Opposing State-Ownership of Children and Totalitarian Authority
In the midst of the most significant move in American history to destroy our rights, freedoms, and parental authority over our children, it is undeniably clear that this nation is moving ever closer to complete chaos. More and more states are imposing unjust laws...
Jesus: Reactionary or Revolutionary? Woke, Progressive “Christianity”
During the recent Feast of the Nativity (aka, Christmas), various Christian pastors and writers presented Jesus, the Incarnate God, as (among other things) a “downwardly mobile” migrant, whose single, teenaged, pregnant mother (God’s baby mama?), persecuted at home in...
Timothy Keller: Human Reason vs. Biblical Authority
by Tom Hill "We live in a post-modern world, and postmodernism is about relativism. My truth is your falsehood, and your falsehood is my truth. But there is such a thing as the plain truth." (Barukh Binah) Barukh Binah captured succinctly one of the pillars of...
Praise God! Rick Warren Preaches Last Sermon, But His Replacement is Even Worse
Rick Warren, the pastor of Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, CA, boasts one of the largest Southern Baptist churches in the nation. Rick Warren has an enormous amount of influence within Evangelicalism. Rising to stardom in the late ’90s and early 2000s with his...
Presbyterian PCA Pastor Says Your Marriage Should Be As Committed as Some Homosexual Marriages
A prominent Presbyterian (PCA) pastor heavily involved in the Revoice movement said during a podcast recently that he believes that some homosexual marriages are "deeply committed" and that heterosexual marriages should be like them. Scott Sauls, the Senior Pastor of...
I’m Prepared to Die. I Hope You Are Too.
During the current political crisis in America and around the world, it's easy to become frustrated and overwhelmed by what could happen. For many, taking a stand for your faith, your conscience, and your values could spell the end of your career, your income, your...
Revoice Leader and SBC Seminary Grad Calls on Christians to Repent for Signing Statement on Biblical Sexual Ethics
Revoice is a conference that promotes “gay Christianity” and has actually advocated for homosexual Christian relationships and for, of course, calls for an end to the “victimization” of homosexuals, to which they coined the term “sexual minorities.” Preston...
Reminder, It’s Actually Matt Chandler’s Wokeness That’s Disqualifying. Here are Some Examples
If you haven't seen Matt Chandler's video yet of him announcing he would be stepping down after he was caught "inappropriately" text messaging another woman who isn't his wife, you can check that out here. Since his announcement yesterday, there's been a lack of...
The Omnipresence of God: Everywhere and All the Time
"Am I a God at hand, declares the Lord, and not a God far away? Can a man hide himself in secret places so that I cannot see him? declares the Lord. Do I not fill heaven and earth? declares the Lord." —Jeremiah 23:23-24 With the Scriptures, Christians have always...
Southern Baptist Leaders Join Leftists Signing Pro-Vax Statement Calling Francis Collins a Faith Healing Minister
Biologos, the pro-evolution "science" wing of professing Christendom of which Tim Keller has been a major contributor over the years, has released a pro-vaccine statement with over 8 thousand signatures which include original signers like Southeastern Baptist Seminary...
Do Not Cheapen the Cross by Comparing It to Student Loan Forgiveness, That’s Blasphemous
There has been a lot of chatter on social media the last few days from professing Christians throwing around their differing opinions on Biden's student loan forgiveness plan. And while everyone has their opinion, the most extreme is comparing this student loan...
Jonah and God’s Righteousness Among the Heathen
"Now, the righteousness of God has been manifested apart from the law, although the Law and the Prophets bear witness to it - the righteousness of God through faith in Jesus Christ for all who believe. For there is no distinction: for all have sinned and fall short of...
Stacey Abrams Preaches, LGBTQ Affirmation is the Epitome of What My Faith Tells Me to Be
Interestingly, I thought it was killing babies that was the epitome of her faith, but apparently, it's's sodomy. Last week, it was her “Christian faith” that caused her to abandon her pro-life stance and embrace abortion. This week, well... While preaching at...
Southern Baptists are Paying for Stupid Gimmicks and Performances at NAMB Church Plants Like This One
Last year, Vance Pitman was selected as the new president of the Southern Baptist Convention's North American Mission Board (NAMB) Send Network. Pitman was the founder of Hope Church in Las Vegas—a megachurch that drew over 4 thousand in attendance weekly according to...
“Progressive Queer Believer” Begs Beth Moore to Affirm Her on Twitter, Says She Loves Beth’s Bible Studies
Imagine being an Evangelical bible teacher who is paraded around by Southern Baptist elites, defended by seminary presidents, and platformed by Southern Baptist churches—and loved by "progressive queer believers" because her "bible studies" do absolutely nothing to...
Church That Performed Hamilton Play Without Permission to Pay Damages, Donate to LGBTQ Rights Organization
Hamilton is a rap musical production written by Lin-Manuel Miranda and originally performed Off-Broadway in NY in 2015. Last month, a Texas church decided to do a satirical performance of the play and altered it to include anti-LGBTQ scenes. The church did not have...
Mennonites Go Gay, Pass Resolution Allowing LGBTQ Weddings and “Repents” for Excluding LGBTQ People
Similar to the Amish, the Mennonite Church was formed out of the Anabaptist movement and, like the Amish, in many ways has become synonymous with a simple lifestyle apart from modern luxuries. Mennonites communities became known for their stereotypical lackluster...