Over the years, as I've covered Christian news and apologetics, I've seen a lot. I've seen so much that hardly anything surprises me. What was once considered unholy alliances have become the norm as mainstream seemingly "normal" Christian leaders don't think twice...
The Church
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Historic Protestant Heidelberg Church Devolves Into Secular Spectacle Hosting Taylor Swift-Themed Service
This morning, I stumbled upon an article that left me both perplexed and saddened. It was about the Church of the Holy Spirit in Heidelberg, Germany, hosting a Taylor Swift-themed service. Yes, you read that right. This 600-year-old church, steeped in history and...
Pastor Hands Microphone Over to Drag Queen to Sing “Peace On Earth” to Church Filled With Children
The Apostle Paul warned in 2 Timothy 4:3 that a time would come when people would no longer endure sound doctrine but rather turn to whatever it is that causes them pleasure in a world filled with hatred and rebellion toward God. What could be more rebellious toward a...
Robert Morris Lies, Says Jesus Explicitly Said in New Testament to Give 10 Percent Tithe
Tithing is an age-old debate that various churches and denominations have been having for centuries. And while different churches can come to different theological conclusions on whether or not tithing is appropriate for members, one thing is absolutely...
Andy Stanley Says Pastors Need to Learn to Preach in a Way That Gives People Permission NOT to Believe
Andy Stanly has made a number of dubious claims about the Christian faith and in particular, the Scriptures. Famously stating that Christianity needs to “unhitch” from the Old Testament, he told his audience that the Ten Commandments don’t apply to...
Sodom’s Behavior: Homosexuality Or Gay Rights?
Many people attempt to reconcile homosexuality with the Bible. However, such efforts fail. You cannot reconcile truth with error. The battle to legitimize homosexuality begins with an all out attack upon the Biblical record of Sodom. This assault changes the story of...
Catholics and Protestants Join Forces, Launch Petition to Oppose Donald Trump and Support LGBTQ Rights
A group of Roman Catholic and Protestant leaders called Faithful America has launched a petition garnering over 15 thousand signatures to oppose Donald Trump's bid for the presidency. The group, which says they are "sick of sitting by quietly while Jesus' message of...
Woman “Transitions” to Man, Becomes First “Openly Transgender Man” Ordained to Old Catholic Priesthood
The Old Catholic Church believes itself to be the true representation of the Catholic Church and separated from Rome in the late 1800s. Somehow, as they all claim to be, that one true church has now turned into nothing but a joke—a caricature of the Roman Catholic...
SBC Pastor Argues Unborn Children Shouldn’t Have Equal Protection Because God Was Merciful on Paul for Killing Christians
The Overton Window is quickly being moved as Southern Baptists increasingly shift closer to the progressive position of the last decade on abortion. The Democrat mantra on abortion used to be “safe, legal, and rare.” It was their way of disguising their pro-abortion...
Southeastern Seminary Highlights Paper on Marriage from “Same-Sex Attracted Disciple of Christ”
The Dissenter has published information before about Rachel Gilson, who says she is attracted to other women, from Campus Crusade (CRU) who has been teaching a pro-homosexual message to children in CRU. Gilson is heavily platformed by The Gospel Coalition as...
Popular YouTube Apologist Departs Protestant Faith, Becomes Roman Catholic
Cameron Bertuzzi, a popular Christian apologist who is known for his YouTube channel, Capturing Christ, where he attempts to defend Christianity not from a biblical perspective, but from a secular philosophical approach, announced yesterday that he was no longer...
SBC Pastor Warns Race-baiting Woke Theologian, Jemar Tisby, of Hell. Where is Everyone Else?
Southern Baptist pastor and president of Founders Ministries, Tom Ascol, warned Jemar Tisby today of his impending doom and place in "the lake that burns with fire and sulfur" today after woke social justice theologian, Jemar Tisby falsely accused a brother of...
Anglican Priest 🤡 Clownsplains How Jesus Was a Communist Who Called for a Cashless, Classless Society
Anglican priest in training, Adam Spiders, took to social media to explain how Jesus was a Communist who called for a cashless, stateless, classless society. Of course, Jesus couldn’t say it outright, so he had to find a sneaky and clever way of saying, according to Spiders.
Social Justice is Not the Gospel, It’s Heresy
With the recent rise of progressive “Christianity” in the last few years, it’s no surprise that one of the prevailing themes is social justice, known colloquially as the "woke" movement. Many denominations have been caught up in the movement forever. But social...
False Prophets of the Mid-Term Elections #5: Ted Shuttlesworth
We've been covering many of the self-described prophets of today who have falsely prophesied about the mid-term elections. Previously, in our series, we brought to you Hank Kunneman (ad-free version), who falsely prophesied that God would use the mid-term elections to...
Why Churches Fail: Sexual Immorality
“No adultery is bloodless.” (Natalia Ginzburg) Natalia Ginzburg’s graphic statement contradicts the popular opinion that adultery is a victimless behavior. But adultery and other kinds of sexual immorality result in significant damage to the lives of those who indulge...
Pastor 🤡 Says Vote for Warnock to Establish the Kingdom of God for Red, Yellow, Black, White, Gay, Straight, Etc.
Just when you thought the stupidity was over, another blaspheming heretic pops up and demonstrates exactly how biblically illiterate they are. During the election cycle, we saw GA gubernatorial candidate, Stacey Abrams, visit church after church to receive praise and...
Exposing the False Prophets of the Mid-Terms #4: Amanda Grace
We've been bringing you a series of false prophets who prophesied falsely about the mid-term elections. First in our series was Hank Kunneman (ad-free version), who falsely prophesied that God would use the mid-term elections to restore America. That was followed by a...
Exposing the False Prophets of the Mid-Terms #3: Terri Pearson Copeland
We've been bringing you a series of false prophets who prophesied falsely about the mid-term elections. First in our series was Hank Kunneman (ad-free version), who falsely prophesied that God would use the mid-term elections to restore America. That was followed by a...
Exposing the False Prophets of the Mid-Terms #2: Dutch Sheets
Earlier today, we brought to you the first in our series of Exposing the False Prophets of the Mid-Terms, Hank Kunneman (ad-free version), who falsely prophesied that God would use the mid-term elections to restore America. Kunneman, like all of these false prophets,...
Methodist Church Elects Second Openly Gay Bishop and Asks Conservative Leaders to Step Down
In 2019, the United Methodists narrowly voted in favor of holding to a biblical sexual ethic and disallowed LGBTQ clergy in the denomination after years of deliberation and battling. Believing that the denomination was headed for an inevitable split due...
Pastor Says More White People Voted for Herschel Walker than Stacey Abrams Because of Racism
Watching the aftermath of Stacey Abrams, who became a sort of Messiah figure in liberal Black churches during the election season, has been a sight to behold. But one, in particular, is rather hilarious. Robert Regester, the senior pastor of New Life Church in Brandon, FL, has a theory on why Stacey Abrams lost but Herschel Walker “came so close to winning.”