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After Bragging About Private Jet, Kenneth Copeland Prays to Satan

After Bragging About Private Jet, Kenneth Copeland Prays to Satan

"Hello Satan, how are you ... Mr. Zero." Kenneth Copeland has been the center of controversy since we first reported on him bragging about his multi-million dollar private jet with Jesse Duplantis in 2015. Since then, Copeland has made multiple attempts at repairing...

Did Founders Ministries Portray Rachel Denhollander as a Demon?

Did Founders Ministries Portray Rachel Denhollander as a Demon?

There is a new trailer out by Founders attacking the onslaught of social justice and its impact on the Church that has Southern Baptist leaders across the nation freaking out over what might be exposed in this upcoming documentary. The video, featuring several key...

Major Lutheran (ELCA) Leader Says “Hell is Empty”

Major Lutheran (ELCA) Leader Says “Hell is Empty”

The Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA) is an apostate denomination that affirms homosexuals as well as female clergy. Often, you can see them with booths set up at various gay pride marches around the country denying Christ and giving people a false hope in...

Money: The Southern Baptist Convention’s Unifying Principle

Money: The Southern Baptist Convention’s Unifying Principle

In this episode, I rant about the SBC’s true unifying principle: money. Is so doing, I openly criticize Beth Moore, Russell Moore, J.D. Greear, Matt Chandler, and SBC leadership in general for compromising the truth of conservative values, male leadership, and a...

Beth Moore Has Departed The Faith to Embrace Homosexuality

Beth Moore Has Departed The Faith to Embrace Homosexuality

If you think that is a big leap and jumping to conclusions, let's examine the trajectory Beth Moore has been on for the last several months. Moore has always befriended homosexuals and LGBT activists, like Rachel Held Evans and Jen Hatmaker. She enthusiastically...

The Covenants (In a Nutshell)

The Covenants (In a Nutshell)

Old Covenant Israel was an earthly theocracy. That is, a temporal nation ruled by God directly and through men appointed by Himself through prophets, who would enforce His law as the civil, moral and religious law for all those in covenant with Him at that time. The...

The Southern Baptist Convention’s Doctrinal Shift on Homosexuality

The Southern Baptist Convention’s Doctrinal Shift on Homosexuality

The Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) stood as one of the last denominations to reject homosexuality. Until recent years, sparked by the current Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) president, Russell Moore, the SBC has taken a slow but decidedly noticeable...

Beth Moore Once Again Overtly Ignores and Disobeys God’s Word

Beth Moore Once Again Overtly Ignores and Disobeys God’s Word

But now I am writing to you not to associate with anyone who bears the name of brother if he is guilty of sexual immorality or greed, or is an idolater, reviler, drunkard, or swindler—not even to eat with such a one.1 Corinthians 5:11 Beth Moore has been on a roll...

The Rise of Feminism in the SBC

In this episode I rant about the rise of feminism in the SBC using Wade Burleson as the case study. There can be little doubt that SBC leaders have a clear case of MAS (mommy approval syndrome). I mock them because they have earned mockery.

Wade Burleson: The Neutering of SBC Male Leadership

In this episode, I engage in a true rant about Wade Burleson’s advocacy for and support of neutering every male in the Christian church. Even worse and more specifically, Burleson applauds the increasingly effeminate pastors taking the pulpits across the SBC landscape...

The SBC Continues to Back The Wrong Horse

I rant about the SBC’s promotion of Martin Luther King Jr. in light of additional revelations of immorality, Mohler’s better late than never response to Beth Moore’s feminism, and David Platt’s having to explain why he obeyed the Bible and prayed for President Trump....

Beth Moore Refuses to Denounce Homosexuality as Sinful

Beth Moore Refuses to Denounce Homosexuality as Sinful

Beth Moore has been under scrutiny for the last several weeks due to her outspoken advocacy for feminism and egalitarianism in the Southern Baptist Convention. Moore has been highly critical of the biblical position on gender roles and has denied God's commands for...

Former SBC President’s Son Defends Perverted Drag Queen Story Hour

Former SBC President’s Son Defends Perverted Drag Queen Story Hour

The Drag Queen Story Hour is a national movement plaguing public libraries across the entire country involving sexually deviant, homosexual cross-dressers who come and babysit young impressionable children for an hour and indoctrinate them with LGBTQ ideology. It has...

Prominent Southern Baptist Leader Praises LGBTQ Activist and Feminist

Prominent Southern Baptist Leader Praises LGBTQ Activist and Feminist

When we began reporting on the decline of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC), we told you how its continual slide toward progressivism was leading the denomination toward total destruction. As we've seen over the last few weeks, the Convention has departed its...

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