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Popular NAR Cultist, Reinhard Bonnke Dies at 79 Years Old

Popular NAR Cultist, Reinhard Bonnke Dies at 79 Years Old

A popular traveling evangelist and New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) cultist has died at 79 years old. Reinhard Bonnke was in close circles with false teaches such as Mike Bickle of IHOPKC and others who preached a false gospel of health, wealth, and prosperity. As...

How to Spot False Prophets and Overcome Their Lies

How to Spot False Prophets and Overcome Their Lies

False prophets in almost every area of life gather followers who esteem them. It seems that the wilder these provocateurs’ proclamations, often based upon nothing more than imagination, the more they enhance their popularity. Their presence has increased to significant numbers today.

Steven Furtick Says God Reflects His Image

Steven Furtick Says God Reflects His Image

When Steven Furtick says things, it's often easy to just write it off as him "saying dumb things" without thinking, or just complete ignorance. However, it's coming fascinatingly clear that Steven Furtick believes himself to be higher than God. In a previous post, we...

After Bragging About Private Jet, Kenneth Copeland Prays to Satan

After Bragging About Private Jet, Kenneth Copeland Prays to Satan

"Hello Satan, how are you ... Mr. Zero." Kenneth Copeland has been the center of controversy since we first reported on him bragging about his multi-million dollar private jet with Jesse Duplantis in 2015. Since then, Copeland has made multiple attempts at repairing...

Francis Chan Removes Shoes, Catholic Priests Pray Over Him

Francis Chan Removes Shoes, Catholic Priests Pray Over Him

It has long been known that Francis Chan has been on the wrong path for quite some time. We previously reported on Chan's association with false teachers in the charismatic movement -- such as Benny Hinn, Todd White, and Shawn Bolz. Chan followed up with a rebuttal...

Two Dangerous Forms of Legalism

Two Dangerous Forms of Legalism

It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. Galatians 5:1 If you are a serious Christian who is pursuing holiness with all your heart you have probably been called a legalist...

Kyle Howard: A Prime Example of Marxist Victimology

One of the underlying tenets of Marxism is the radical transformation of mass thinking by implementing strategies that cause confusion and undermine the current paradigm. One of these strategies is the introduction of Black Liberation Theology which was popularized by...

Breaking: LifeWay to Close All of Its Stores This Year

Breaking: LifeWay to Close All of Its Stores This Year

LifeWay Christian Stores is the retail chain of the Southern Baptist Convention under the direction of Thom Rainer who has been under fire for many years for peddling heresy to Christians for cash. Previously, LifeWay announced that they would be closing "a number of...

The Dangerous Cult of Hillsong

The Dangerous Cult of Hillsong

With familiar tunes and upbeat rhythms filling the sanctuaries in churches everywhere, Hillsong is by far the most popular producer of mainstream Christian music in the world. They mass produce music from their multi-campus world-wide bands under the labels Hillsong...