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How to Recognize a False Gospel

How to Recognize a False Gospel

In this episode of the Reformation Charlotte podcast, I wanted to give you five ways you can recognize modern false gospels that have invaded the modern Church.

False Teacher of the Day #34: Kenneth Copeland

False Teacher of the Day #34: Kenneth Copeland

Kenneth Copeland is one of the most well-known televangelists of all time. He is known all over the world for his charismatic preaching and the genie-in-a-bottle-style message that he gives, particularly to poor, underprivileged people both in America and abroad. His...

Heresy of the Day #7: Finney-ism

Heresy of the Day #7: Finney-ism

Heresy: Finney-ism Finney-ism is a bit of a misnomer as there never was an actual school of theological thought or a movement named for Charles Grandison Finney, the subject of this article. However, Finney was both a man of renown in 19th century American religious...

False Teacher of the Day #32: Beth Moore

False Teacher of the Day #32: Beth Moore

While Reformation Charlotte has virtually exhausted itself covering her, any False Teacher of the Day series would be incomplete without at least a summary of Beth Moore and her false teachings. After all, she is arguably the most popular false teacher in Evangelical...

Andy Stanley Agrees With Jory Micah That Jesus is Not Biblical

Andy Stanley Agrees With Jory Micah That Jesus is Not Biblical

You really can't make this stuff up. A few years ago, Andy Stanley took a lot of heat after making the assertion that Christians need to "unhitch" from the Old Testament because the law does not apply to Christians. Now, two of Christendom's most notable idiots have...

False Teacher of the Day #31: Eric Metaxas Has Completely Lost It

False Teacher of the Day #31: Eric Metaxas Has Completely Lost It

Eric Metaxas used to be someone who, while not completely devoted to sound doctrine, his version of "mere Christianity" at least fell somewhere between the bounds of orthodoxy--even if grazing the very edge of it. In recent years, however, that can no longer be the...

Tim Keller’s Three Errors on Evolution That You Need to Know

by Tom Hill Timothy Keller: Evolutionist? “Oh what a tangled web we weave, When first we practise to deceive!” --Scott, Sir Walter. Marmion, Canto vi. Stanza 17 Poor Eve. She never knew what hit her. It all sounded so right. The serpent asked a simple question: “Did...