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Kenneth Copeland Says God Told Him His Private Jet Didn’t Belong to God, But to Him

by | Aug 2, 2021 | heresy, News, The Church, Video | 0 comments

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Televangelist and false prophet, Kenneth Copeland, has spent the last several years defending himself as he has bilked millions of people for hundreds of millions of dollars, including a private jet, and defending a lavish lifestyle that is outside of the norm for any man of God. While we do acknowledge that it’s certainly possible for God to bless who he chooses with material wealth, we de decry that Kenneth Copeland is a man of God. He is a liar and a deceiver who has repeatedly blasphemed God.

A few years ago, Copeland made headlines as he and Jesse Duplantis defended their private jets. Now, Copeland is saying that God told him that private jet didn’t belong to God, but to him. In opposition to what the Scriptures (Exodus 19:5, Deut 10:14, Job 41:11, 1 Timothy 6:7, etc.) teach about our stewardship of what God owns in this world (everything), Copeland once again blasphemes God and sets himself up in the highest seat of spiritual authority over the world.

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