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Has the New Apostolic Reformation ‘Hijacked’ the White House?

Has the New Apostolic Reformation ‘Hijacked’ the White House?

When Donald Trump was elected President of the United States, Church Watch Central predicted that the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) Apostles and Prophets would try to gain access to this ‘Christian’ President. Lance Wallnau and other ‘prophets and apostles’ have since labelled Trump as ‘Gods Chaos candidate’, proving the obvious nature and motivation of the NAR. What no one could have predicted was President Trump’s recent appointment of the self-proclaimed NARpostle (and notorious scam artist) Paula White to be his aide and ‘spiritual advisor’!

Young People Are Living In A ‘Digital Babylon’

Young People Are Living In A ‘Digital Babylon’

Soon after the Internet boom in the 1990s, the Christian consulting firm WisdomWorks obtained software that could run automated chat groups – allowing anonymous teens to ask candid questions. Mark Matlock and his team called the project "Wise Intelligent Guide (WIG)."...

Two Dozen Aborted Children Found in Blood-Stained Bag Near Pond

Two Dozen Aborted Children Found in Blood-Stained Bag Near Pond

The remains of what is estimated to be twenty-four unborn babies have been found in a blood-soaked bag, in West Bengal, India. Members of the local population contacted the police after they made the horrific discovery as they gathered to fish last...

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