In the biblical narrative of John 8:7, we find an account of a woman caught in the act of adultery. The religious leaders of the day, eager to test Jesus, brought the woman before Him and asked if she should be stoned according to the Law of Moses. Jesus, in His...
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The Church’s Debate Over Christian Nationalism: Should We Embrace Cultural Christianity?
As the modern Church is now faced with its own internal debate of Christian Nationalism, we should examine how the multifaceted world of "cultural Christianity" has been a paradoxical force that can both benefit and challenge us. As we traverse the shifting sands of...
The Sinfulness of Sins: Are They All Worthy of Death?
The subject often comes up of whether some sins are worse than others. And the answer must be, "It depends." Depends on what? Are you talking about God's justice or man's? For example, God's law condemns theft in the Eighth Commandment and coveting in the Tenth...
Christian Doctor Loses Government Job For Refusing to Call 6-Foot Bearded Man “Madam”
The sexual revolution has happened and its stronghold on the world is unbreakable. Christians who refuse to participate and celebrate the sodomization of society will be shunned and even punished. In one recent case, a medical doctor in Birmingham, UK was fired for...
The Covenants (In a Nutshell)
Old Covenant Israel was an earthly theocracy. That is, a temporal nation ruled by God directly and through men appointed by Himself through prophets, who would enforce His law as the civil, moral and religious law for all those in covenant with Him at that time. The...
Lifeway Publishing New “Bible Study” By Hillsong’s Female Pastor, Christine Caine
Christine Caine has been around for a while. She is pretty much the Australian counterpart to Beth Moore. She is a crazy charismatic prosperity-gospel social justice-y lady-preacher who, just like Beth Moore, claims direct divine revelation from God. Caine is a...
Pride Goes Before … and After Mark Driscoll’s Fall
Mark Driscoll is the fallen pastor who resigned (was basically fired from) from the church he founded for, well, basically being a horrible person. On accusations ranging from plagiarism to bullying, one thing is for sure, Mark Driscoll was a prideful man. In recent...
ERLC Leader Unable to Make Scheduled Appearance at Mormon Conference, Asks Gay Activist to Step in For Him
Andrew Walker the Director of Policy Studies at the Southern Baptist Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) and a key researcher listed on the the now removed ERLC Research Fellows page. Walker was recently hired by Al Mohler at the prestigious Southern...
The Southern Baptist Convention’s Doctrinal Shift on Homosexuality
The Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) stood as one of the last denominations to reject homosexuality. Until recent years, sparked by the current Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) president, Russell Moore, the SBC has taken a slow but decidedly noticeable...
Michael Brown Defends Blasphemers and Idolaters While Condemning Discerning Christians
Michael Brown is the premier apologist for the ancient heresy of Montanism. Montanism is the heresy that teaches that certain spiritual gifts, such as prophecy, continue today and that it is possible to receive direct, divine revelation from God apart from Scripture....
Beth Moore: Calling Homosexuality a Sin is “Exceeding Scripture”
Beth Moore has been under fire lately after a group of female Bible teachers published an open letter to Moore urging her to clarify her doctrinal position on homosexuality. Moore insisted that her doctrinal views on homosexuality have not shifted over the course of her ministry.
Beth Moore Once Again Overtly Ignores and Disobeys God’s Word
But now I am writing to you not to associate with anyone who bears the name of brother if he is guilty of sexual immorality or greed, or is an idolater, reviler, drunkard, or swindler—not even to eat with such a one.1 Corinthians 5:11 Beth Moore has been on a roll...
Evangelicals Primary Race Baiter Now Defending Homosexuality
When we speak of same-sex attraction, we're speaking of homosexual desires -- what the Bible speaks of as "vile affections" and "dishonorable passions" (Romans 1:26). The case against homosexuality isn't boiled down to a mere platonic attraction through friendships --...
Michael Brown Cites False Prophet, Heidi Baker, As Proof of Continuationism
The canon of Scripture is closed and the apostolic sign gifts have ceased. This is an irrefutable biblical fact. Yet, modern-day Montanists continue to perpetuate this heresy and the movement that claims that these gifts -- such as prophesy, speaking in tongues, and...
Matt Chandler & Other Evangelical Leaders Rejected TED Bloggers’ Pleas to Expose Harvest in 2012
JULIE ROYS -- Former celebrity pastor, James MacDonald, has been fired. His sins have been splashed on national headlines. Every elder and senior leader at Harvest Bible Chapel (HBC) has resigned. And the church is scrambling to stay afloat. But it all could have been...
The Gospel Coalition Still Promoting Revoice “Gay Christian” Resources
After much criticism from conservative Christians, a large part of the Evangelical Church has distanced itself from ministries that promote the idea of "gay Christianity," even if they promote "celibacy." The most notable of these gay movements in the Church is...
The Wisdom Of Using Strong Language Against Heretics
They profess to know God, but they deny him by their works. They are detestable, disobedient, unfit for any good work.Titus 1:16 Why should we use strong language in dealing with heretics? After all, are we not supposed to show the love of Christ? Are we not supposed...
God Does Not Need You
The God who made the world and everything in it, being Lord of heaven and earth, does not live in temples made by man, nor is he served by human hands, as though he needed anything, since he himself gives to all mankind life and breath and everything.Acts 17:24-25 God...
The Gospel Coalition’s Gay Priest Denies God’s Coming Wrath to Destroy the World
Sam Allberry is the gay Anglican priest who writes for The Gospel Coalition and appears regularly with Southern Baptist ethicist, Russell Moore, to advance his "gay Christian celibate" ideology. Allberry is an outspoken advocate of gay single adoption and holds an...
Beth Moore Refuses to Denounce Homosexuality as Sinful
Beth Moore has been under scrutiny for the last several weeks due to her outspoken advocacy for feminism and egalitarianism in the Southern Baptist Convention. Moore has been highly critical of the biblical position on gender roles and has denied God's commands for...
God’s Holy Name, Misused and Abused, Even by Believers
(Marsha West – Christian Research Network) You can run, you can hide, but you can’t get away from it, “God knows I’ve tried.” It seems that wherever you go, whether it’s to the mall, a movie, the golf course, the hardware store, or even a buffet line,...
Churches of God Pastor Arrested for Child Pornography, Putting His Face on Images
Steve Dunn is an "Intentional Interim Pastor" with the Eastern Regional Conferences of the Churches of God. He is currently the Interim Executive Pastor of Hanover Pennsylvania Church of God, which boasts a thousand members and is near Gettysburg. Dunn is also the...