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Todd Bentley, a false prophet who masquerades as a Christian evangelist that we've reported on numerous times here at Pulpit & Pen was recently caught in a lie claiming that a man who overdosed on heroin and was supposedly pronounced dead on arrival at a...

You Won’t Believe What These Atheists Did at an Abortion Clinic

You Won’t Believe What These Atheists Did at an Abortion Clinic

It’s never a dull day at the busiest abortion clinic in Charlotte, NC. At the Latrobe child-murdering plant at 3220 Latrobe Dr, several atheists spotted a turtle stuck in the drain in a nearby pond. While dozens of children are murdered on a daily basis right inside...

Rightly Applying Matthew 18 Church Discipline As Baptists

Rightly Applying Matthew 18 Church Discipline As Baptists

One of the prevailing erroneous criticisms plaguing polemics and discernment ministries is the improper application of Matthew 18 also known as church discipline. Church discipline, when rightly understood, does not apply to public figures acting in a public...

Silent Night or Acid Trip?: When it’s hard to tell the difference

For those who don’t know my history, you might have a hard time understanding why I fight so hard for purity in the church, and for doctrinal truth. I was one of those who grew up thinking I was saved because I had raised my hand and prayed a prayer. There was no...

How Hollywood Has the Christian Church in Bondage to Sin

How Hollywood Has the Christian Church in Bondage to Sin

If our church members fall into the habit of frequenting the theatre, we shall soon have them going much further in the direction of vice, and they will lose all relish for the ways of God. If theatre-going became general among professing Christians, it would be the...

How to Not Use 1 Timothy 4:12

How to Not Use 1 Timothy 4:12

Let no one despise you for your youth, but set the believers an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity. 1 Timothy 4:12 I have grown up my whole life in ministry. From the time I was born, I was visiting prisoners in jail, giving food to the...

The Gospel of Jesus Christ

The Gospel of Jesus Christ

The GOSPEL is the greatest news for anyone, any man, any woman, every child on earth. Jesus Christ died on the Cross to save YOU! The Bible tells us that ALL fall short of God’s glory and that we are ALL in need of his mercy. It can be confusing if you don’t...


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The Pharisee Card

The Pharisee Card

You're here because someone (maybe you) played the Pharisee card. Consider the following, and let's all remember that if you're going to play the Pharisee card, you should play it fairly. OK, so I stole the idea from an article posted at Issues Etc. But the next time...

Why Hillsong Music is Dangerous For Your Church

Why Hillsong Music is Dangerous For Your Church

Hillsong Church does not exist to preach the Word of God, and to draw people to Christ, bringing glory to His holy name–it exists to draw people to their music, making them money, and giving them power, and giving glory to their man-centered, man-built pseudo-spiritual empire. Brian Houston clearly preaches a false gospel. Southern Baptist leader, Albert Mohler, stated,

Bethel Church GLORY CLOUD from God or Not?

Bethel Church GLORY CLOUD from God or Not?

I have always thought Bill Johnson of Bethel Church was a shady pastor with all the bizarre miracles happening at his church. Now others are debunking his works and questioning his works. I am sure you must have heard of the Glory Cloud or Gold dust smoke. Let us say...

Polemics Terms: Slander

THE POLEMICS DEFINITION “Slander” is a term improperly used by many who oppose discernment or criticism in a way that colloquially means, “something I don’t like hearing” or “something that is spoken or written ill of someone I like.” IMPROPER USAGE Example: An...


The Mormon Teaching of “Celestial Marriage”

The Mormon Teaching of “Celestial Marriage”

In Matthew 22:23-33, the scriptures report a confrontation between Jesus and the Sadducees, the theological liberals of that day. They were trying to trick Him, so they described a woman who had married a succession of brothers, each of whom died without issue. In the...


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