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OK, Trump Has Done Wrong But Not Nearly as Bad as Lincoln!

OK, Trump Has Done Wrong But Not Nearly as Bad as Lincoln!

No one is perfect except maybe your wife’s long-dead husband; so it is a given: Trump has slipped, stumbled, and sprawled himself all over the White House lawn. However, the Trump-haters blame him for everything except maybe the kidnapping of the Lindbergh baby!...

Exposing Hillsong CEO, Brian Houston – An Inconvenient Truth

Exposing Hillsong CEO, Brian Houston – An Inconvenient Truth

CHURCH WATCH CENTRAL -- ‘An inconvenient truth is what it sounds like: Something that’s true but inconvenient. Typically the inconvenience comes down to having to take responsibility for something, or at least in admitting that the excuse you’ve been using doesn’t...


Montana Missionaries Assaulted, Arrested, and Thrown in Jail

Montana Missionaries Assaulted, Arrested, and Thrown in Jail

What you are about to read is a harrowing account. An account (full testimony) containing intricate details concerning five missionaries who were walking across America whose walking route then brought them to Montana (after 5500 miles) to share the Gospel of Jesus...


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