In the trenches of today's cultural battlefield, where truth is often held hostage by the whims of the zeitgeist, the...
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Results for "hillsong cult"
The Dangerous Cult of Hillsong
With familiar tunes and upbeat rhythms filling the sanctuaries in churches everywhere, Hillsong is by far the most...
Is Failed Hillsong NYC Pastor, Carl Lentz, About to Start a New Church?
In 2021, infamous Hillsong NYC pastor, Carl Lentz, was fired after he admitted that allegations of a sexual...
C3 Church Cult Leader Releases a Manual for Interaction With Him Nearly Naming Himself as God
The newest trend in modern Evangelical megachurches is to set the lead pastor up as the primary visionary to which the...
Despite Endless Scandals, Hillsong Music Still Reigns Supreme in Most Evangelical Churches
The global Evangelical church stands at a crossroads, confronting a crisis of conscience that threatens to erode the...
The Regulative Principle of Worship: The Solution to Cultural Divisions in the Church
In the modern world, various cultures, lifestyles, languages, and other human expressions exist outside of the Church....
Pastor Explains Why His Church Will Not Sing Bethel, Hillsong, or Elevation Music
Over the years, The Dissenter has been relentlessly exposing the corruption and deception within the charismatic music...
Hillsong Pastor Tells Audience If They All Tithed, They Wouldn’t Have Any Financial Problems
The Word of Faith heresy is a pernicious and dangerous belief system that has been consistently and decisively...
Disgraced Hillsong CEO, Brian Houston, Announces Comeback With Series of Events With His Wife
The Dissenter covered the saga earlier this year surrounding Hillsong and its multiple sex scandals over the last...
Amid New TV Series, Chris Pratt Now Denies Attending Hillsong, “I’m not a religious person.”
Back in 2019, Chris Pratt took a lot of heat after the notorious Scripture-quoting actor mentioned the name of Jesus...
Hillsong Music is a Gateway Drug to Apostasy, Your Church is Dealing it to You
Over the years, we've watched a string of high-profile apostasies take place, including Marty Sampson, one of the most...
Another Hillsong Pastor Resigns Amid Church’s Growing List of Scandals
In a now-removed Instagram post, Hillsong Boston pastor, Josh Kimes announced his "difficult decision" to leave...
Former SBC Black Pastor Laments “Hillsong-ish” Music, Says It’s The Music of Slave Captors
Hillsong's music is awful, it is misguided and the object of its lyrics is often misfocused. And in the wake of...
Why are Evangelical Leaders Acting Surprised That Hillsong is Littered With Debauchery and Scandals?
I ran across a Twitter thread that caught my interest recently in the midst of the undoing of Hillsong as we know it....
Another Hillsong Pastor Resigns in Wake of Hillsong’s Multiple Sex Scandals
Reformation Charlotte has chronicled the many scandals that the worldwide corporate megachurch, Hillsong, has been...
Founder, Brian Houston, Completely Resigns as “Global Pastor” of Hillsong
Reformation Charlotte has been covering the recent saga surrounding Hillsong and its multiple sex scandals over the...
Hillsong’s Dead: Hillsong Founder and CEO Now Caught in His Own Sex Scandal After Firing Lentz
Hillsong megachurch corporation has been plagued with sex scandal after sex scandal over the last several years. In...
Hillsong Christmas Special Features Scantily-Clad Teen Girls Dancing and Writhing Around Provocatively
Hillsong is known for its lavish luxury carnal mindset and its music productions rival anything from Hollywood or...
Dane Ortlund Wants to Make Sure You Don’t Reject Hillsong Music Just Because It Sounds Happy
Hillsong music has been soundly rejected by many top theologians including John MacArthur, Justin Peters, and many...
Hillsong is from Hell, Be Glad It’s Falling Apart
You're probably aware by now that Hillsong Church, the worldwide megachurch corporation headquartered in Sydney,...
Religious Pluralism: The Roman Catholic Church’s Last Ditch Effort to Undermine the Gospel
Some Catholics call him “Papa,” and others call him the “holy father.” Yet, despite these terms of endearment for a man who sets himself up in the place of Christ, The Roman pope, who goes by Francis, continues the Catholic tradition of leading people down a path of...
Calvin Professor Seeks Loopholes Through “Ensoulment” Timing to Justify Committing Abortions
A Christian university named after arguably the most famous Protestant reformer in the Reformed Tradition, John Calvin, has become an icon for liberalism. Calvin University, formerly Calvin College, is located in Grand Rapids, Michigan and is associated with the...
Imagine Dropping Your Child Off in This Man’s Classroom Every Morning
Imagine dropping your child off in this man's classroom, and there's nothing you could say or do about it. Imagine walking into a supposedly professional environment and seeing a man dressed in women's clothing and knowing this delusional weirdo is the person...
TGC Board Member Says Jesus Gave Up Rights, So We Should Give Up Second Amendment
Ryan Kwon, a board member of The Gospel Coalition and pastor of Resonate Movement Church, is yet another voice in the long parade of woke ideologues masquerading as shepherds who distort the Scriptures to advance their communism-lite agenda—always under the thin guise...
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