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Another Hillsong Pastor Resigns Amid Church’s Growing List of Scandals

by | Apr 20, 2022 | Apostasy, News, Religion, The Church | 0 comments

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In a now-removed Instagram post, Hillsong Boston pastor, Josh Kimes announced his “difficult decision” to leave Hillsong Church after making it his home for 22 years.

“Transparency, honesty, accountability & a culture that allows people to create healthy boundaries is so important & I’m encouraged to see things starting to change,” Kimes wrote.

“Hillsong will always hold a special place in our hearts, even with the immense pain we’ve endured while building church here in the USA. Pastor’s are meant to be shepherds who protect the sheep, not wolves who prey on the sheep they’re entrusted to protect,” he continued.

Come to find out, Kimes himself has admitted to sending racist texts to his colleagues.

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According to a story at the Christian Post, after a deposition by Zukerman Gore Brandeis & Crossman, LLP, a New York City law firm that was hired to conduct an investigation into the scandals at Hillsong NYC under Carl Lentz’s tenure, it was revealed that Kimes “admitted that he once wrote a racist text.”

“He explained that he apologized to each of the people who received the text. Outside of that, he stated the other allegations of racism were half-truths or lies,” investigators wrote, according to the Christian Post which received a copy of the deposition. “Leona Kimes stated that if there was racism at Hillsong, it was Carl Lentz’s fault. Leona stated that each time they wanted to have a meeting or organize an event related to racism Lentz would tell them that he would handle it and then never do anything.”

Whether it be their sleazy rendition of Silent Night during Christmas, their posing of a nearly naked man on stage at a women’s conference, having openly homosexual worship leadersdefending abortioncomplaining about the death penalty, or the fact that celebrities love them because they “don’t teach that book with Moses and stuff,” one thing is for sure, Hillsong has been an outright dangerous threat to churches around the world.

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