Earlier today, we reported that Fox News anchor, Tucker Carlson called out several Evangelical leaders by name,...
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Results for "beth moore"
Matt Chandler to Join Revoice “Gay Christianity” Leader for Conference
Preston Sprinkle, one of the founding advisory board members of Revoice, the “gay Christian” movement within...
New CBN Report Indicts SBTS Professors, SBC Presidents, and More for Liberal Drift
In an explosive new report, the Conservative Baptist Network, a powerful network of Southern Baptist Convention...
Christianity Today Author Goes to Liberal Media to Argue in Favor of Same-Sex “Marriage”
A regular contributor and author at Christianity Today, Tish Harrison Warren, a feminist "priest" in the liberal...
Al Mohler Appears to Embrace the “David Raped Bathsheba” Feminist Sex Abuse Narrative
Marxism, in a nutshell, pits people against each other by classifying people according to their status as either...
Is Preston Sprinkle Right? Is It Important for Christians to Listen More to LGBT People In Order to “Love” Them?
Preston Sprinkle, one of the original advisory board members of Revoice, the "gay Christian" movement within...
There Is No Liberal Drift, They Say
Either the entire leadership of the Southern Baptist Convention is brutally dishonest or an epidemic of cognitive...
Chris Tomlin Plays at Heretic, Joyce Meyer’s TBN Fundraiser Event
"Wonderful night at the 40th anniversary of the Joyce Meyer conference…grateful to be a part of the celebration!"...
Another SBC Megachurch Pastor Caught in Plagiarism Scandal, This Time He’s Plagiarizing…Rank Heretics?
You are probably well aware of the plagiarism scandal that former Southern Baptist president, Ed Litton was caught up...
Former LifeWay CEO and NAMB Associate Opens New Bookstore Peddling Same Heresy That LifeWay Was Criticized For Years Ago
You may remember that several years ago, LifeWay Bookstores, the publishing arm of the Southern Baptist Convention...
Reminder, It’s Actually Matt Chandler’s Wokeness That’s Disqualifying. Here are Some Examples
If you haven't seen Matt Chandler's video yet of him announcing he would be stepping down after he was caught...
While Your Church is Fighting “White Supremacy,” Hospitals are Mutilating Children for Sexual Pleasure
If you've been paying attention, you're probably aware that Boston Children's Hospital has been unashamedly...
Woman Preaching From Pulpit Says Women Having Long Hair Signals to God That She is Under His Authority
I could be wrong, but my gut tells me that Beth Moore would take serious issues with this lady. After all, Beth Moore...
Jen Hatmaker Says Viewing Jesus as a Male Makes it Difficult for Black, Brown, and LGBT People to Feel Safe Around Him
Jen Hatmaker, who first publicly renounced Christianity in an interview with Jonathan Merritt — a gay activist and son...
Many Evangelicals Silent Today as Roe v. Wade Is Overturned
Today marks a historic day in America as one of the longest-running blights on the face of this nation has finally...
Tony Evans’s Daughter, Priscilla Shirer, Preaches at Joel Osteen’s Church
We've written a lot about Tony Evans in the last few days after his appearance at the Southern Baptist Convention...
Far-Left Southern Baptist Pastor Says Trump Needs to be Tried and Convicted for Sedition
Marty Duren, a Southern Baptist pastor, and a contributor to both The Gospel Coalition and the ERLC, as well as to...
Southern Baptists, If You Desire the Judgment of God be Poured Out, Please Vote for Bart Barber
There is no doubt that the Southern Baptist Convention has been on a rapidly-increasing leftward drift toward the...
TGC Contributor Blames Buffalo Shooting on White Supremacy Sympathy in the Church
After the mass shooting in Buffalo, NY, at the Tops Supermarket killing several people, there has been no shortage of...
Here’s What Evangelical Leftists Like Karen Swallow Prior Mean When They Say That They Are “Pro-Life”
One of the primary ways Satan deceives people is to obfuscate the truth by mixing a little bit of it with lies. The...
Liberal Feminists Protest Trump Administration by Sterilizing Themselves
Imagine living in a world so consumed by political hysteria that some women are now permanently sterilizing themselves because of an election outcome. In response to Donald Trump’s presidency—or the mere fear of what they believe it represents—certain self-proclaimed...
Public Schools Are Becoming Literal Temples of Satanic Idolatry
Public schools are quickly becoming Satanic temples. Don’t believe me? Look at Edgewood Elementary in Marysville, Ohio, where they’ve rolled out the red carpet for The Satanic Temple’s new “Hellion Academy of Independent Learning.” An actual program named HAIL is now...
False Teacher of the Day #59: Matthew L Stevenson III
Matthew Stevenson, the self-appointed prophet and spiritual guru of the All Nations Worship Assembly empire, is not just a false teacher—he is a charlatan of the highest order. With a ministry built on emotional manipulation, pseudo-theological ramblings, and a...
America’s Embrace of Assisted Suicide is National Suicide
Many people here in America have heard of assisted suicide and believe that it is something that doesn’t really happen here. It’s the kind of thing you imagine in some dystopian novel or a distant land where human life is treated like a commodity, bartered away in the...
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