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Matt Chandler to Join Revoice “Gay Christianity” Leader for Conference

by | Jan 26, 2023 | LGBTQ Issues, News, Religion, Social-Issues, The Church | 0 comments

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Preston Sprinkle, one of the founding advisory board members of Revoice, the “gay Christian” movement within Evangelical churches, has been instrumental in shifting the church’s doctrinal stance on homosexuality and other aberrant sexualities. It is through Sprinkle’s extensive relationships with mainstream Evangelicals such as James MerrittMatt Chandler, and even names like Beth Moore, that he has been able to popularize what was once denounced as forbidden fruit by Evangelicals.

Sprinkle, who has been instrumental in spreading LGBTQ propaganda in Evangelical churches, suggests that “listening” has been the most important factor in earning the trust of the LGBTQ community when attempting to reach them and that Evangelicals need to spend more time hearing the cries of homosexuals rather than the direct words of the Lord.

In the video below, here is Preston Sprinkle entertaining a panel of sodomites, one of which is an adult male who emphatically states in an effeminate voice, “I like boys!”

America has completely embraced a revolutionary sexual ethic that far surpasses even the worst descriptions of sexual anarchy in the Bible. Yet, every time I think humanity couldn’t sink any deeper into the muck and mire of its own depravity, I’m reminded that godlessness has no bottom.

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America has embraced more types of sexual perversions–from homosexuality to transgenderism, transvestism and drag queens, even bestiality and pedophilia–than could ever be imagined during the times of Sodom and Gomorrah. There are more letters to tack on to the end of “LGBTQ+++” than were even conceivable during those times. Yet, back then, God rained down fire and brimstone to destroy those cities.

Genesis 18-19 describes how God sent two angels to investigate the cities and they were met with hostility and attempted rape by the men of the city. Because of this, God decided to wipe these cities out. But before the destruction, God warned his people to flee from the cities and their actions. According to Genesis 19:12-13, God told Lot, who lived in Sodom, to leave the city with his family and not look back, warning him that the city was going to be destroyed.

Sadly, today, Evangelicals are far more than happy to not only look back at the modern Sodom and Gomorrah movement in America but to fully embrace it and make it part of the Church. And well-known Southern Baptist pastor and author, Matt Chandler, is holding hands with the people who are pushing this ideology. Chandler will be joining Preston Sprinkle at the 2023 Theology in the Raw conference along with several other Evangelical figureheads to advance social justice ideas.

According to the website, “different views will be presented. No question is off limits. No political party will be praised. Everyone will be challenged to think. And Jesus will be upheld as supreme.” God doesn’t have different views and his views on sexuality are not nuanced, ambiguous, or unclear, so to partner with someone who believes that they are is to partner with Sodom and Gomorrah itself.

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