The Southern Baptist Convention has changed and continues to change. It can no longer be considered a theologically...
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Results for "beth moore"
God is Using John MacArthur’s “Harsh Words” to Purify His Bride
He will sit as a refiner and purifier of silver, and he will purify the sons of Levi and refine them like gold and...
Another Southern Baptist Pastor Announces Desire to Withdraw Congregation From the SBC
Southern Baptist churches are leaving the denomination in droves over the rampant liberalism that is infiltrating the...
If More Leaders Were Like John MacArthur, the Evangelical Church Wouldn’t Be Falling Apart
The Evangelical Church is in shambles. It is falling apart before our very eyes. The problem is that the leadership --...
Jackie Hill Perry Implies that John MacArthur is Complementarian Because of His Ego and Insecurity
Last week, John MacArthur held a conference at his church where during one Q&A session, John MacArthur was asked...
John MacArthur’s Truth Matters Conference: SBC Meltdown
John MacArthur’s Truth Conference did what no self-respecting political-pandering celebrity pastor or celebrity pastor...
Son of Former SBC President Says the Gospel is a Joke
Jonathan Merritt is an LGBTQ activist who was outed for a gay encounter he had with another man at a Christian...
In an Effort to Tear Down “Power Structures, Social Justice Warriors Now Claim David Raped Bathsheba
The Evangelical social justice movement is a conglomeration of a bunch of leftist propaganda combined with feminism,...
Jen Wilkin Says We Need to Understand Women Teaching as Essential to the Local Church, Make Them Pastors
Jen Wilkin is the egalitarian feminist who works at The Village Church under Matt Chandler. Wilkin advocates for the...
Evangelicalism’s Chief Race-Baiter, Kyle James Howard’s Narrative Proven False Again
The Evangelical Church is stacked from top to bottom with race-baiters. To name a few of the chief among them, Jemar...
Jen Hatmaker Joins Radical Pro-Choice Politician to Promote “Women’s Rights”
Jen Hatmaker, close personal friend of Beth Moore who is famous for her television show on HGTV, has teamed up with...
Popular Megachurch Pastor Commits Suicide, Leaves Behind Wife, Young Children
Jarrid Wilson was a popular pastor and part of Greg Laurie's Harvest Christian Fellowship in Riverside, CA. Wilson was...
Gay Son of Former SBC President Says God’s Design For Marriage, Family is Idolatry
The very first command God gave to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden was to be fruitful and multiply. It was an...
As the Presidential Campaign Season Gears Up, Evangelicals Pretend to be Non-Political While Campaigning Against Trump
Just like when Donald Trump ran his first campaign, the New Progressive Evangelical movement launched an...
Evangelical Race Baiter and “Racial Trauma Counselor” Says Beards are Racist
One might look at the job title of "Racial Trauma Counselor" and ask, "is that for real?" Apparently, it is. This...
Joyce Meyer Says Once You’re Old Enough to Reason, You’re Going to Have Trouble Believing
Joyce Meyer says foolish things, often. Joyce Meyer is a well-known false prophet who runs the speaking and preaching...
Please, Women, Stop Reading Ann Voskamp
People who are familiar with author Ann Voskamp know that she is a quasi-charismatic, melodramatic writer, who writes...
Money: The Southern Baptist Convention’s Unifying Principle
In this episode, I rant about the SBC’s true unifying principle: money. Is so doing, I openly criticize Beth Moore,...
Lifeway Publishing New “Bible Study” By Hillsong’s Female Pastor, Christine Caine
Christine Caine has been around for a while. She is pretty much the Australian counterpart to Beth Moore. She is a...
The Southern Baptist Convention’s Doctrinal Shift on Homosexuality
The Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) stood as one of the last denominations to reject homosexuality. Until recent...
![SBC Pastor Claims Kamala Harris Has Character, Competence, and High Regard for Life](
SBC Pastor Claims Kamala Harris Has Character, Competence, and High Regard for Life
In Mexico, tales of the chupacabra have become much more than just rural folklore. They’re stories with enough credible sightings to make you wonder if these bloodsucking creatures really do stalk the countryside. But whether or not they’re real hardly matters. What...
![The Chosen Actor Brags to Wife of Trans-queer Activist About Voting for Kamala Harris](
The Chosen Actor Brags to Wife of Trans-queer Activist About Voting for Kamala Harris
The popular television series, "The Chosen," sits comfortably at the center of the modern religious imagination, charming countless professing Christians with its picturesque portrayal of its gospel—another gospel. In the real world, where wolves dress up as lambs and...
![Russell Moore-approved Pastor Accuses White Evangelicals of Mass Raping Black Women](
Russell Moore-approved Pastor Accuses White Evangelicals of Mass Raping Black Women
In 2018, Charlie Dates, a prominent uber-woke pro-socialist (now ex-) Southern Baptist pastor, participated in the MLK50 Conference hosted by The Gospel Coalition and the SBC’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission.Here, Evangelical leaders like Russell Moore, David...
![Not Satire: Harvard Memorial Church Hosts “Lectio Divina” Reading of Taylor Swift Lyrics](
Not Satire: Harvard Memorial Church Hosts “Lectio Divina” Reading of Taylor Swift Lyrics
One of my readers just sent me a link to this, and though I'm not at all surprised, shocked, or taken back by it, it's a perfect example of the caricature of their former selves that our nation's Ivy League institutions have become. Harvard University, once the...
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