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Southern Baptist Church Calls a Female as Lead Pastor

Southern Baptist Church Calls a Female as Lead Pastor

Calvary Baptist Church of Waco, TX, is a Southern Baptist Convention affiliated church. Calvary announced yesterday that the church had called Hannah Coe of First Baptist Church Jefferson City to serve as their senior pastor. In a letter to her current church where...

Southern Baptist Leader, Russell Moore, Says Western Culture is Demonic

Southern Baptist Leader, Russell Moore, Says Western Culture is Demonic

Russell Moore, head of the Southern Baptist Convention's Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) is well-known for his proclivity to incite racial and ethnic division among the Church while berating American and Western culture in favor of multiculturalism and...

Woke Christian Definitions: Diverse, Diversity

Woke Christian Definitions: Diverse, Diversity

We often hear certain phrases used in woke Christendom that sound biblical. However, like most cults, the cult of anti-racism redefines biblical terms to mean something completely different from its biblical definition. Today’s term is “diverse,” or "diversity."...

Woke Christian Definitions: Diverse, Diversity

Woke Christian Definitions: “Fruit of the Spirit”

We often hear certain phrases used in woke Christendom that sound biblical. However, like most cults, the cult of anti-racism redefines biblical terms to mean something completely different from its biblical definition. Today's term is "fruit of the Spirit." Term:...

Podcast: The Mythical Modern Jesus

Podcast: The Mythical Modern Jesus

In this episode, I rant about the all-important question that Jesus put to His followers in Matthew 16: Who do you say that I am? Most modern Christians have created a Jesus that looks strikingly similar to the person they see every day when they look in the mirror....

Preparing Your Children for the Next Sexual Revolution

Preparing Your Children for the Next Sexual Revolution

Societies have seen sexual revolutions repeatedly all throughout history. From the Scriptures, we see that it was a type of sexual revolution that caused God to destroy the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah and in Romans 1, Paul speaks of the unbelieving nations as those...

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