It would really help with clarity if these hell holes would stop calling themselves churches. A church is a local body of believers who meet regularly to worship the one, true, triune God in response to who He is and as He has commanded us to do. Yet, God-hating progressive activist organizations insist on usurping the title of “church” for their own perverted deeds.
One “church” in Arkansas, a gay activist organization called Solomon’s Porch–which should have a sign over its door stating “Warning! It’s Hot in Here” because it’s a little glimpse of Hell–is led by a transgender person named Elijah Walker. Walker says that his church regularly hands out “trans-affirming” accessories like chest binders and clothing, and also pays for hormone treatment for transgender youth.
And Walker is asking for donations to help pay for this garbage.

What should be illegal and considered child abuse by any rational thinking human being is now celebrated by more people than not.
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