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SBC President Joins Gay MSNBC Host to Trash Southern Baptists

SBC President Joins Gay MSNBC Host to Trash Southern Baptists

The newly-elected Southern Baptist president, Ed Litton--who preached a sermon last year stating that the Scriptures only "whisper about homosexuality" so we shouldn't be so focused on it--joined gay MSNBC host, Joshua Johnson, in trashing Southern Baptists as...

New SBC President Not Just a Liberal, Might be a Rank Heretic

New SBC President Not Just a Liberal, Might be a Rank Heretic

If you weren't aware, this week, a new Southern Baptist President was elected amid growing schism between the enormous amount of progressives and the few remaining conservatives in the denomination. Once again, the liberal won--and he isn't just a woke, social justice...

False Teacher of the Day #24: Christine Caine

False Teacher of the Day #24: Christine Caine

Christine Caine makes today's installment as number 24 on the list in our False Teacher of the Day series as she is one of the most popular public speakers among both men and women in the seeker-sensitive Evangelical activism movement. Caine is a “pastor” of a Church...

Voddie Baucham on Joel Osteen – False Teacher of the Day #20

Voddie Baucham on Joel Osteen – False Teacher of the Day #20

Voddie Baucham joins us today (in spirit, of course 😉) to help us discuss False Teacher of the Day #20, Joel Osteen. Joel Osteen is probably one of the most famous false teachers of our time and, for the most part, most Bible-believing Christians already understand...

Podcast: Brad Mason, Critical Race Theory Evangelist Extraordinaire

Podcast: Brad Mason, Critical Race Theory Evangelist Extraordinaire

In this episode, I rant about Mason’s not so brief overview of Critical Race Theory and his continued slide into full-on apostasy. This is what happens to someone when Scripture is no longer their source of authority for truth and you don’t plant yourself in a godly...

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