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SBC President Joins Gay MSNBC Host to Trash Southern Baptists

by | Jun 21, 2021 | LGBTQ Issues, News, Social-Issues, The Church | 0 comments

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The newly-elected Southern Baptist president, Ed Litton–who preached a sermon last year stating that the Scriptures only “whisper about homosexuality” so we shouldn’t be so focused on it–joined gay MSNBC host, Joshua Johnson, in trashing Southern Baptists as mean-spirited and lacking gentleness.

After allowing Johnson to spend several minutes denouncing conservative Christianity on the count of its fidelity to the authority of Scripture while noting that Christianity is a turn-off to many people because of its views on abortion and homosexuality, Johnson then went on to read 1 Peter 3:15-16 and twist it out of context without any correction from Litton. Johnson then went on to trash Southern Baptists, saying that they lack gentleness and respect.

As Johnson went on, he lectured Litton that Southern Baptists passionately engaging with progressives, homosexuals, and people with differing politics is “unbiblical” and instead of offering correction, Litton offers up that he agreed with him that essentially, Christians, especially Southern Baptists, are mean.

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