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SBC Megachurch Performs and Worships to a Lady Gaga Cover

SBC Megachurch Performs and Worships to a Lady Gaga Cover

In 2019, Joel Osteen, one of the modern-day princes of the Word of Faith prosperity gospel movement, was seen at Lady Gaga’s pride celebration at Apollo Theater on Monday night. The New York Daily News reports, Poehler wasn’t the only heavy hitter in the crowd. From...

When Does Life Begin and Does It Really Matter?

When Does Life Begin and Does It Really Matter?

In the endless tussle between the convictions of Christianity and the assertions of science, the debate over when life begins stands as a colossal testament to our society's moral and ethical crossroads. This discourse, rooted deeply in both scientific inquiry and...

Why Does the Party of Death Keep Winning Elections?

Why Does the Party of Death Keep Winning Elections?

In the recent election cycle, we witnessed a disturbing series of victories for the party of death, the Democrat party—a party that, from any honest Christian perspective, flagrantly tramples on the sacredness of human life. The heinousness of abortion and the...