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New York Passes Bill Allowing Abortions Up Until Birth

New York Passes Bill Allowing Abortions Up Until Birth

LIFE NEWS – The New York Senate passed a radical pro-abortion bill Tuesday that would allow unborn babies to be aborted for basically any reason up to birth. Metro reports the bill passed after abortion activists pushed it for more than a decade in New York. Until...

Planned Parenthood Finally Admits it’s “Core Mission” is Abortion

Planned Parenthood has historically defended it’s practice on the premise that they don’t simply murder children for a living…they also do pap smears. In fact, they’ve relentlessly contended that they primarily provide women’s health services. Well, this all changed...

Report: Abortion Now Leading Cause of Death Worldwide

[One News Now] Abortion is now the leading cause of death in the world and a longtime pro-life advocate calls that a sad reflection of the times we live in. Worldometers, a website that tracks live global statistics, is reporting there were approximately 43 million...

Lecrae, Carl Lentz, Fawn Over Pro-Abortion Democrat, Stacey Abrams

Lecrae, Carl Lentz, Fawn Over Pro-Abortion Democrat, Stacey Abrams

PNP News -- Lecrae, Carl Lentz, and Planned Parenthood all have one thing in common. They all endorse Stacey Abrams as a role model for young girls. Abrams lost her race for Governor of George to pro-life Republican, Brian Kemp, no thanks to celebrities who came out...

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