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Feminist Wicked Witch Brags About Abortion to Children, Brainwashes Them

by | Jan 2, 2019 | Abortion, Blog, Uncategorized | 0 comments

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Amelia Bonow, Shout Your Abortion Founder

The founder of the “Shout Your Abortion” movement and feminist, Amelia Bonow, brags about her abortion to children in a video promo on the Kid’s Meet Facebook page.

Questioned about her reasoning for an abortion, she was asked–by children–if her condom broke or if she wasn’t wearing one. She explained how “in the moment” it was easier to simply choose not wear a condom, and that she’s grateful that after her abortion, she was no longer pregnant.

The children, who are obviously being brainwashed by the left’s propaganda machine, seemingly think this is all fun and games, as they laugh it up and chuckle with the God-hating murdering wicked witch.

One kid asked her “what do you think God thinks about abortion?” She says, “I think it’s all part of God’s plan.” The kid laughs and says “that’s smarter than what I expected.”

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Contrary to not only Scripture, but confirmed scientific evidence, she states to the children, “I believe that life begins when a person has a baby. Clearly some people believe that life begins at conception.” She then lures the children into explaining what they believe conception to be and affirms that it is “not yet a person” at conception.

One kid says, “I compare it to like, a sea cucumber. It’s not thinking, it’s just living. It’s like, your arm is not capable of complex thought. Neither is a baby inside your womb.”

Well, guess what, neither is a two-year-old child capable of complex thought. Who made you the arbiter of what “complex thought” is anyways. There are elderly who are no longer capable of “complex thought.” There are mentally disabled children who are incapable of “complex thought.” And there is not a person on the face of this world that is capable of the kind of complex thought that God thinks, yet it is God who commanded “thou shalt not murder.”

“At the end of the day, it’s my body, and the idea that a group of old white dudes in the government would tell me what to do with it….yeah [chuckle, chuckle],” while showing off her inner-mouth “ABORTION” tattoo, “I feel like I’m living my exact right life, God’s plan.”

God have mercy on her soul.

…but whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened around his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea.

Matthew 18:6

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