In the pursuit of spiritual growth and understanding, the true Bride of Christ is a community that is rich in faith, hope, and love, all bound together by the Word of God. Yet, within this visible body, there lurks a danger that threatens the very fabric of our...
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The Human Nature of Christ: “Not My Will But Yours Be Done”
In the seemingly endless debates that often encircle the doctrines of Scripture, one moment frequently becomes a focal point of contention: Jesus’ prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane. Theological liberals, those synagogues of Hell that affirm every ideology that...
David Platt Preaches Jesse Jackson-like Sermon on Racism, Turns Out to Be Racist and Unjust
Last Sunday, David Platt and one of his co-pastors, Mike Kelsey co-preached a sermon that could, in fact, have been co-preached by Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton. In this sermon, titled Unity in Diversity, they pushed the idea that diversity is one of the primary...
A Biblical, Non-Woke Analysis of the Ahmaud Arbery Case
While pastors, church leaders, and Democrats are joining the chorus of the anti-white narrative that seeks to tear down our society and cause division at every possible corner amid the tragic shooting of Ahmaud Arbery, a black man, by two white men, literally none of...
Logic, Fairness, and the Anti-Calvinist
When I run into someone who wants to rail against the doctrine of election - something which happens frequently - he usually takes one of two approaches, one of which is to argue that it is unfair to discriminate, and the other is to invent a caricature that it means...
Southern Baptists Abandoning Social Justice Heresy For Heresy of Dominionism
For the last several years, the social justice movement has swept the Southern Baptist Convention and it's tentacles reach every possible corner of nearly every single church in the entire denomination leaving a stain of intersectionality, feminism, and even in some...
Prominent Evangelical Preacher Says Prayer Gives God Permission to Interfere on Earth
Tony Evans, a prominent Southern Baptist preacher and social justice warrior is a rank heretic. He is a Pelagian who denies original sin and insists that gathering together for worship actually detracts from personal worship.
The Inherent Racism of the Mormon Cult According to Their Own “Scriptures”
However, while that particular racial doctrine has been repudiated, it was not the only racist teaching in Mormonism. Their Scriptures include several more cases.
Christian Pro-life Sidewalk Counselor Says She Never Mention’s Christ, Upset That Others Preach Gospel
One of the biggest problems in the "Christian" "pro-life" movement is that the movement is largely devoid of Christ. While many of these pro-life groups spend their time on the sidewalks outside of abortion clinics trying to talk people out of having an abortion by...
SEBTS Prez Danny Akin Admits That He Teaches Feminist Standpoint Theory to Students to Interpret Scripture
Danny Akin, the president of Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary -- one of the most prestigious Southern Baptist Seminaries -- recently appeared on a podcast version of the seminary's chapel messages to defend the Southern Baptist Convention's adoption of...
After Closing Healing Rooms Amid Coronavirus, Bethel Church Opens Online Healing Rooms
One would think that a church that believes it has the power to supernaturally heal at will any disease or ailment would not close the doors to its "healing rooms" during a health pandemic that is wreaking havoc all over the world. But that's exactly what Bethel...
John MacArthur Given Rights to NASB Bible Translation, Announces Changes: “Yahweh” Will Replace “Lord”
John MacArthur has announced that Master's Seminary has been given the rights to update and refine the legendary New American Standard Bible (NASB) translation and that the linguistic team overseen by Dr. Abner Chou at the seminary will be making "subtle" changes to...
Watch: Crazy Liberal Woman Screeches on Seattle Streets at Street Preacher Trying to Give Her the Gospel
What you're fixing to see in the video below is a prime example of what happens when parents let their children get their way by screaming. Liberals, who by-and-large reject parental discipline in favor of coddling and community-based child-rearing, have one thing in...
NT Wright Says Christianity Offers “No Answers” to Coronavirus Pandemic
Highly influential English theologian and New Testament scholar -- who is known for his "new perspective on Paul" heresy, but is still highly regarded in Evangelical circles -- says that Christianity "offers no answers" for the current coronavirus pandemic. In an...
Paul Washer on the Sufficiency of Scripture
During times like this, it's easy to get caught up in the bad news. But one thing we as Christians can take comfort in is knowing that God is sovereign and His Word is true. In this video from the 2017 G3 Conference in Atlanta, Paul Washer talks about the sufficiency...
Podcast: Evangelical Christianity in Theological Chaos, God, The Trinity, and the Church
In this episode, I rant about the utter chaos that exists in the church, isolating just three areas where ignorance reigns supreme: The Doctrine of Scripture, God, and the Church. The level of incompetence among even the most tenured Christians is scandalous.
Catholic Church Offering “Drive-Through” Confessional and Penance During Coronavirus Lockdown
A Roman Catholic church is offering a drive-through confessional for Catholics to come and have their sins "absolved" during the coronavirus pandemic. Scott Holmer, Catholic priest at St. Edward the Confessor Parish in Bowie, Maryland in the Archdiocese of Washington...
Response to Dr. Robert Gagnon’s Gaps in His Defense of Continuationism
In this episode, I rant about some of Dr. Robert Gagnon’s glaring inconsistencies in his rebuttal to Tom Schreiner on the issue of the New Testament sign gifts. Robert Gagnon is a Presbyterian pastor and professor of New Testament Theology at Houston Baptist...
Steven Furtick Think’s He’s Jesus, Says Satan “Bruised His Heel” as He Was Crushing His Head on Stage
Steven Furtick is more than just a false teacher. He is a demonic liar, a deceiver, and if anything, more like Satan than any angel of light he masquerades as. He preaches a false prosperity gospel and bilks his congregation for money. He has made absurd claims about...
T.D. Jakes Says Worship is Like Sex and Hymns are Like Female Genitalia
T.D. Jakes is an obvious false teacher and pretty much everyone in the Christian Church has denounced him as a rank heretic. Jakes, a close friend and associate of Steven Furtick of Elevation Church, teaches the anti-Trinitarian doctrine known as modalism -- and has...
SBC Lady-Preacher Beth Moore Preaches Sunday Morning Sermon at TGC-affiliated Baptist Church
Beth Moore has been in the forefront of the Evangelical news cycle for a couple of years because of her open rebellion to God and her insistence on not only preaching, but preaching to men. Moore began her career as a small-group women’s Bible-study teacher. Fair...
T.D. Jakes Gives Steven Furtick a Bronze Statue of David Because “the Head of the Giant is Under His Feet”
The prosperity gospel is far more nefarious than just believing that God will grant you health and wealth if you have enough faith. The prosperity gospel is a completely paganized counterfeit Christianity that is steeped in the idolatry of self and greed. With that...