We at The Dissenter have been warning about The Gospel Coalition (TGC) and its clones like Together for the Gospel (T4G) for years and years upon years ago, we concluded that these organizations were compromised in such a way that they shouldn't even be called...
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Alabama Supreme Court Rules Life Begins at Conception and Has Inherent Value Based on the Image of God
In a landmark ruling, the Alabama Supreme Court ruled on Friday that life begins at conception. Referencing God, the ruling states that life begins at conception and is inherently valuable, underscoring a profound respect for the sanctity of unborn life. The Court's...
Actually Pete, Evangelicals Do Get Progressive Christianity (Part Two)
History is not on your side, Pete. In response to ongoing discussion from Mr. Enns podcast, The Gospel Coalition Doesn’t Get Progressive Christianity, much concession and caveats were previously mentioned. Even while anti-intellectualism remains problematic for...
Todd White Says God is in Bed With You Watching Pornography, Wants to be Your “Climax”
Todd White -- who supposedly had a "genuine" conversion experience recently but has continued to repeatedly show himself a false prophet -- is back in the news now for some outlandish comments he made about God being in bed with you while you're watching pornography....
Actually Pete, Evangelicals Do Get Progressive Christianity (Part One)
This blog post unlike the ones published before, is theological and apologetic in nature. Although this post is not written from an authoritative source (viz., from a minister’s point), the points in this post come from an analytical layman’s perspective. After all,...
The Eternal Reality of Hell Contra Annihilationism
I have noticed a curious trend among professing evangelicals to adopt the doctrine of annihilationism. That doctrine holds that the wicked who are sent to Hell are burned into nothingness. That is, contrary to the traditional belief, there is no such thing as the...
Andy Stanley Mocks John MacArthur, Says Jesus Never Commanded Us to Meet
Today, during a convocation at the highly-respected Southern Baptist-affiliated Christian Liberty University, notoriously false teacher and serial blasphemer of God, Andy Stanley, told Liberty University students that people, like John MacArthur, who believe that...
Steven Furtick Says it’s Impossible to Believe Jesus is Lord Without a Doubt, Tells Staff Never to Say it
Steven Furtick is more than just a false teacher. He is a demonic liar, a deceiver, and if anything, more like Satan than any angel of light he masquerades as — and he think’s he’s Jesus. He preaches a false prosperity gospel and bilks his congregation for money....
Lecrae Affirms Homosexuality, Compares it to a Preference Between Sports
Lecrae, who describes himself as a “rapper who happens to be Christian” and is “done with white Evangelicalism,” has taken a sharp turn in the last couple of years to align himself with the Pagan culture rather than the Kingdom of Christ. One of the first...
Can Your Hymn Do That? Three Things Psalters Can Do, But Hymnals Can’t
Unbeknownst to the general Christian public, the American Revolutionaries were not the most unique among individuals in history without considering the religious nature of their involvement with their War for Independence. There was the Enlightenment, but for those...
Francis Chan Says That Being Indwelt by the Holy Spirit Makes Us ‘God and Man all at Once’ Like Jesus
Francis Chan has been on a downward spiral for a long time. Chan is a graduate of both John MacArthur’s Master’s University and Seminary, an unusually solid, seminary that teaches rightly on such important doctrines as the sovereignty of God, the inerrancy of...
Would Massive Benefits to Mankind Justify One Brutal Act?
It is tempting to do one act of cruelty that would give sight to every blind person, permit the crippled to walk, and eliminate all deadly diseases in the world. However, my refusal would not be a lack of concern for others but because of personal honor, responsibility, and accountability.
ERLC #ChurchToo Leader Turns the Resurrection Into a Marxist “Dismantling of Systems”
Susan Codone is a professor at Mercer University and a contributor to the Southern Baptist Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) and a member of the ERLC council. Codone has endorsed several false teachers, including Beth Moore along with two highly...
NAR Heretic, Todd White, Experiences Genuine Move of the Holy Spirit?
You may know of Todd White, the well-known New Apostolic Reformation heretic who claims to be a prophet while going around performing parlor tricks such as leg-lengthening to trick people into believing that what he does is a move of the Holy Spirit. For years, White...
Was J.I. Packer a Heretic? On His Sharp Turn in His Last Years
Admittedly, I was never much of a J.I. Packer follower and haven't read much of his materials over the years. Many people in my circles, however, have and are avid defenders of him. In case you haven't heard, the famed author and theologian passed away Friday, July...
Podcast: SEBTS and “African Hermeneutics”
Yesterday, Reformation Charlotte reported that Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary held a symposium that included an African speaker who lectured on a need to dismantle "Western hermeneutics" and embrace an "African intercultural approach to the study of the...
Prominent SBC Seminary Teaches that Biblical Interpretation is Subjective, Dependent on Ethnicity
Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary is one of the most prestigious seminaries in the nation and is operated by the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC). Second only to Al Mohler's Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Danny Akin's Southeastern Seminary's influence...
Podcast: Most Churches are Just Businesses That Have Abandoned the Gospel for the Bottom Line
In this episode, I rant about the complete vacation of duty that most modern American pastors have been on for decades now and its impact on the Christian message in American and Western society.
Justification by Faith Can Never Be Justification for Sin
As an orthodox Protestant, I advocate and defend the doctrine of justification by faith alone as the standard against all false expressions of Christianity. And the consistent response from advocates of works righteousness is almost always that it means that a person...
Why Woke SBC Leaders Like Russell Moore and JD Greear are to Blame for the Rioting and Anarchy We See Today
It's been roughly 6 years since the woke social justice movement began in the Southern Baptist Convention brought on by far left Democrat, Russell Moore who heads the denomination's Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC). Doing practically everything except...
Al Mohler Allegedly Calls Professor “Idiot” For Standing Against Social Justice
Reformation Charlotte has been covering the leftward drift of the Southern Baptist Convention and its various entities for several years. It is nothing less than heartbreaking to watch the denomination you grew up and and have fought for die a slow, agonizing death...
Postmodernism in SBTS Professor Dr. Jonathan Pennington’s Writings
In Dr. Al Mohler’s attempt at damage control, Southern Seminary has released two video responses to Dr. Russel Fuller’s first and second whistle-blower interviews. In the first video, concerning the writings of Dr. Dominick Hernandez, which reflect a higher critical...