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Why Woke SBC Leaders Like Russell Moore and JD Greear are to Blame for the Rioting and Anarchy We See Today

by | Jun 1, 2020 | Blog, Opinion, Politics, Racialism, Social Justice, Social-Issues, The Church, Theology | 0 comments

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It’s been roughly 6 years since the woke social justice movement began in the Southern Baptist Convention brought on by far left Democrat, Russell Moore who heads the denomination’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC). Doing practically everything except speaking on issues of ethics and religious liberty, the ERLC has single-handedly created one of the nastiest monsters the Church has ever seen.

The rhetoric that continues to drool from the mouths of woke social justice warriors like Russell Moore has served to inflame racial tensions and incite division across not only the Southern Baptist Convention but all of Evangelicalism and even society as a whole. They have advanced the far left media-manufactured narrative that white people are inherently racist and black people are constantly in the crosshairs of white supremacy. Inciting fear, creating suspicion, and sowing hatred in the black community toward whites has been the primary outworking of Russell Moore’s racial reconciliation movement — and we’re seeing the fruits of their labor right before our eyes.

It’s engrossing, if not outright repugnant, to watch as these men who lead the Church in America continue to create such animosity between people who should be standing together to condemn all acts of evil. It’s horrifying to watch these church leaders speak without the ability to think logically and biblically about cultural events. It’s demeaning to God and to the Church to validate the emotions and actions of hysterical people when those emotions are built on a lie. And it’s un-Christlike to act in any way that does not fully seek the reconciliation between God to all people.

While we watch as cities around the country are burnt to the ground at the hands of anarchists who, in many cases, are paid to incite violence and act with reckless disregard, church leaders — like Southern Baptist president, JD Greear — are completely oblivious. Instead of speaking gospel-centered biblical truth to the consciences of violent actors and angry mobs of rebellious thugs, JD Greear, along with other Southern Baptist leaders, once again, issue another statement condemning racism.

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We could look at the facts, facts that clearly refute the narrative that there truly is a a white-on-black racial violence pandemic in this world. But it really doesn’t matter. The issue is not racism — the issue is the lie that men like Greear and Moore push to signal their own virtue in a culture that demands a society built on socialist ethics. These men have clearly proven themselves to be godless promoters of secular ideology and unfit to lead a Christian Church. Instead of ceding to the civil courts to do what God has instituted for them to do, pastors and church leaders use their pulpits and platforms to convict criminals and create an atmosphere that is ripe for the anarchy that we see.

Thabiti Anyabwile, another Southern Baptist pastor and a black nationalist who has clearly identified himself with the secular and divisive racism movement — who said Bernie Sanders would be the best candidate for black voters — recently said that his stance with his own race takes priority over his Christianity.

This is a man who has worked for and led one of the most influential ministries in the Evangelical Church, 9 Marks, with Mark Dever, another Southern Baptist pastor who has spread the lies of the left in such a way that does nothing but incite racial tensions. Mark Dever has taught that Identity Politics — an ideology that subverts the gospel and a biblical worldview on Christian identity — is actually an “ally” to Christianity. And Dever was on video advancing this lie that white cops are just out to shoot black people.

The bottom line is that Evangelical elites who have no other desire than to signal their virtue while shifting the blame of racism onto the backs of conservatives with a biblical worldview are actually the ones to blame for the suffering, violence, looting, stealing, and anarchy taking place around the country right now. It’s their leftist ideas and “revolutionary” mindset that gives rise to the rebellious mindset of groups like ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter. There is absolutely nothing Christian about what these men do, yet they remain in powerful influence over the Christian Church. What we should be doing as a body of believers is purging these racial instigators from among our ranks and teaching the Church how to respond and react biblically to cultural events in the world around us.

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