Christians are now finding themselves at a cultural crossroads, grappling with questions of faith, obedience, and witness as the world spirals increasingly into moral chaos. What does the Bible say about substances that alter the mind, such as marijuana, now legal in...
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The Ever-Increasing Seduction of False Teachers in Our Postmodern Fallen World
In the verdant beauty of Eden, where humanity first walked with God, the serpent’s whisper, “Did God really say…?” marked the inception of humanity's tragic fall. This ancient deception mirrors a modern crisis, as the world, and the vast majority of the professing...
Critical Race Theory and the Doctrines of Grace: How CRT Undermines Sanctification (Part 1)
It goes without saying that it is serious business for a PCA Ruling Elder to say, as I frequently have done for a few months now, that if the PCA gets where she appears to be headed (what with Revoice and Critical Race Theory) I shall leave and return to Rome. It, no...
Critical Response to Al Mohler’s Structural Sin and Systemic Racism: What does the Bible Teach?
In this episode, I rant about Mohler’s article on the subject of structure sin and systemic racism. Christians need to think more critically about what our leaders are saying about these incredibly important issues.
5 Deadly Sins of the Contemporary Church (Insufficient Faith)
by Thomas Hill Matthew 17 records the miraculous healing of a demon possessed boy. It occurred after the disciples had failed to cast out the demon. Upon His descent from the Mount of Transfiguration, Jesus healed the boy. This account gives a clear picture of the...
Donald Trump Preaches Biblically Sound Christmas Message
It's a rare instance when even a pastor says something orthodox about the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ during the Christmas season. But to have a sitting president preach one of the most biblical, gospel-centered messages about the coming of Jesus is an historic...
Criticism of Frank Turek and Tricia Scribner’s “Strongest Argument for The Existence of God”
In this episode, I rant about an interview that took place over the summer between Frank Turek and Tricia Scribner regarding a book that Scribner helped edit: Answering the Music Man. The Music Man is a response to many of the arguments that Dan Barker has made...
The Weaker Brother Principle: A Critical Appraisal Applying the Alcohol-Prohibition Archetype
The Weaker Brother Principle: A Critical Appraisal Applying the Alcohol-Prohibition Archetype
SBTS Dean of Theology Compares Taking COVID Vaccine to Salvation of Christ
Hopefully, this is only a joke. Even so, it's ridiculously poor taste. But the Dean of the School of Theology at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary has found a way to equate taking the COVID-19 vaccine with the salvation of Christ. Of course, what he's referring to...
Team JD Greear Turns Jerusalem Conference into Seeker-Woke-Driven Gospel
In this episode, I rant about Team JD Greear’s complete obliteration of The Jerusalem Conference all for the sake of defending the new Woke Cult that most of the SBC has become. Did you know that the apostles were actually trying to figure out how to remove obstacles...
JD Greear Says Hating Abortion More than Loving Social Justice Doesn’t Come From the Bible, But FOX News
Southern Baptist Convention President J.D. Greear claims ‘Politics matter, but they are not an issue of first importance.’ Greear: ‘If all you do is talk about the wickedness of abortion and you never really talk about empowering the poor or how deflating,...
Open-Air Preacher Rebukes Black Lives Matter Group, Exposes Their Hypocrisy
Black Lives Matter, as we have argued, is not a movement that actually cares about black lives. It is nothing more than a leftist political movement that seeks to capitalize on certain tragic events to advance a socialist agenda. Open-air preacher, Ryan Denton, from...
Nimrod’s Land of Shinar
The Fundamental Economist -- The land of Shinar was vile and its first king would be a theological type of anti-christ: A despot, representing himself as the messiah/savior, promoting a false gospel/religion, harshly discriminating those who reject him, and...
Al Mohler, Asleep at the Wheel, Finally Explains Why Christians Must Support Trump
Al Mohler, president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and arguably the most influential leader in the entire Southern Baptist Convention, is well-known for leading from behind and speaking out after the crap hits the fan and it's too late to make a...
Kanye West Affirms Expository Preaching While Andy Stanley Trashes it, Calls it “Cheating”
Whether you like Kanye West or not, his new found identity as a professing Christian is not something that should be taken lightly. West, who announced his conversion last year, has been on what seems to be a roller-coaster ride trying to find his place in the Church....
The Prophets of Baal: TGC’s Q-Anon & Platt & Piper’s Bizarre Voting Philosophies
In this episode, I RANT about TGC’s manipulative use of Q-Anon, David Platt’s “Before You Vote” and John Piper’s article, “Policies, Persons, and Paths to Ruin.” While each of these is tackling different subjects, they are all working hard for the same end: they want...
Jemar Tisby Says Black Christians are “Trotted Out” by White People to Parrot Their Talking Points
Jemar Tisby, an idolater of skin color, is one of the most notorious left-wing race baiters in the Evangelical Church. Tisby recently went on Latasha Morrison's -- who once held a student conference and had all of the white people in the audience stand up and repeat a...
Dr. Tony Evans: Bad Theology is Bad Economics
The greatest problem individuals face today is sin. It has not changed in 6000 years. The greatest challenge the church faces today is remaining true to God’s word. This has not changed in 2000 years. Perverting God’s...
Voddie Baucham Handles Romans 13: Pastors Must Preach Politics From the Pulpit
In today's climate, many pastors and churches have taken the unbiblical position that politics do not belong in the pulpit. But Voddie Baucham brings clarity to the Romans 13 issue, asserting that pastors not only should, but must preach politics from the pulpit....
Former Christianity Today Editor Renounces Faith, Becomes Roman Catholic
In what appears to be a never-ending string of apostasy among prominent Evangelicals, so many are turning away from the faith and embracing some form of self-gratifying self-loathing religion such as Eastern Orthodoxy or Roman Catholicism or becoming a self-described...
SBTS Professor Says It’s “Unloving” to Correct False Beliefs When Black People are Hurting
Jarvis Williams is one of the foremost Critical Race theorists in the Evangelical Industrial Complex, also known as the Southern Baptist Convention. Williams, a professor at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, reports directly to Al Mohler, arguably the most...
Actually Pete, Evangelicals Do Get Progressive Christianity (Part Three)
Heresy is best understood in its History. The beginning premises of the story, The Celestial Railroad, invites the reader to go with the narrator to the Celestial City upon the ingenuity of public transportation—the railroad. Although this journey is not new—for those...