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Podcast: Postmillennialism – The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly

Podcast: Postmillennialism – The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly

In this episode, I rant about my observations on the history and beliefs of Postmillennial Eschatology. While I reject the notion that we should divide over eschatological schemes, I also acknowledge that some systems open the door to issues that can, do, and should...

Podcast: The Gospel Coalition’s “Gospel” of Manipulation

Podcast: The Gospel Coalition’s “Gospel” of Manipulation

In this episode, I rant about the tactics of manipulation being employed by those who would want to shut down dissent. If these tactics do not work, I predict they will, like the Jesuit Catholics in the Ottoman empire, use the pagans to shut it down. Taking someone’s...

Podcast: Postmillennialism – The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly

Podcast: James White’s New Dance with Postmillennialism

In this episode, I rant about James White’s criticisms of John MacArthur’s premillennial views on how the end-times will proceed from bad to worse. The postmil guys all ignore Jesus’ comparison of the days of Noah with his return. That said, I do not offer a critique...

What do false prophets give us?

What do false prophets give us?

Make no mistake, false prophets affect our lives. They exist as a common part of everyday life. Newscasts, internet sites, books, and seminars allow them to promote their error filled messages to us. For example, we hear them lecture on financial matters, recommending...

5 Deadly Sins of the Contemporary Church (Insufficient Faith)

5 Deadly Sins of the Contemporary Church (Insufficient Faith)

by Thomas Hill Matthew 17 records the miraculous healing of a demon possessed boy. It occurred after the disciples had failed to cast out the demon. Upon His descent from the Mount of Transfiguration, Jesus healed the boy. This account gives a clear picture of the...

Donald Trump Preaches Biblically Sound Christmas Message

It's a rare instance when even a pastor says something orthodox about the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ during the Christmas season. But to have a sitting president preach one of the most biblical, gospel-centered messages about the coming of Jesus is an historic...

Nimrod’s Land of Shinar

Nimrod’s Land of Shinar

The Fundamental Economist -- The land of Shinar was vile and its first king would be a theological type of anti-christ:  A despot,  representing himself as the messiah/savior,  promoting a false gospel/religion, harshly discriminating those who reject him, and...