In Richmond, Virginia, a local Southern Baptist church makes headlines not for its doctrinal integrity, service to the community, or even its centuries of history, but for its decision to hold a vote to sever ties with the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC). But let's...
The Church
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ELCA Creates a Year-Long “Queer Confirmation” Curriculum for Homosexual Youth
Queerdom, or living a life of sexual anarchy and rebellion against God, is one thing. But when you cross into the territory of comparing your sexual malfeasance to the triune God and Creator of all things, you’re in serious trouble. Much worse than if you’d just kept...
ERLC Joins Soros-funded Organization to Call on Congress to Allow Islamic Nationalists Permanent Residency Status
The Evangelical Immigration Table (EIT) is a front group for the National Immigration Forum (NIF). The EIT is not an entity that even legally exists in the corporate structure. It is nothing more than a group of Evangelical leaders who, at the behest of the NIF, carry...
Woke Pastor Leads “Prayer for Repentance” For “Homophobic”, God’s Warning Against Tolerating Him
Charles Spurgeon famously said that there would come a time when churches would have clowns entertaining goats rather than pastors feeding sheep. That time has come and gone and now, the vast majority of those calling themselves pastors are just feeding everyone...
SBC Mega-pastor Warns His Congregation About Wokeism, Critical Race Theory, and Marxism Invading the Church and Culture
I want to preface this article with the disclaimer that I am not really a fan of Ed Young Jr. and this should not be construed as a blanket endorsement of him or his theology. Young is a mostly pragmatic preacher who once invited a Mormon, Glenn Beck to preach to his...
Andy Stanley Says the Apostles’ Creed Was Written so Emperors Could Get Away With Sin
Andy Stanly has made a number of dubious claims about the Christian faith and in particular, the Scriptures. Famously stating that Christianity needs to “unhitch” from the Old Testament, he told his audience that the Ten Commandments don’t apply to...
No Court, Legislature, or President Has a Right to Decide on Perversion—Let Alone Approve it!
I realize this issue is debatable, delicate, and as dangerous as an attempt to shave a bobcat in a phone booth. Millennials should do their research about phone booths. Same-sex “marriage” was wrong yesterday, today, and tomorrow regardless of what any court,...
2nd Largest United Methodist Church Withdraws from Denomination Over Capitulation to Sexual Immorality, Progressivism
In 2019, the United Methodists narrowly voted in favor of holding to a biblical sexual ethic and disallowed LGBTQ clergy in the denomination after years of deliberation and battling. Believing that the denomination was headed for an inevitable split due...
Want to See What Crazy Self-Appointed NAR “Prophets” Do, Look No Further Than Hank Kunneman’s Latest “Revival”
I saw someone on social media post this with the comment "Wow, this one will make you feel like you're on drugs." Well, I took the bait and even I was shocked at just how weird and crazy it was. I've sat through hours and hours of the nonsense these New Apostolic...
Charismatic Blasphemer and False Prophet, Jeff Jansen, Passes, Faces Judgment at 59
Jeff Jansen was the co-founder of the prominent charismatic ministry, Global Fire Ministries International (GMI). Last year, the board asked Jansen to resign and that Jansen would be leaving his wife to "pursue his own desires," according to an email sent to GMI...
Pink Haired Prophetess Has Epic Meltdown During Prayer, Slips Into Verse and Begins to Make Impromptu Poem
Kat Kerr, the pink-haired self-described “prophetess” has said some pretty bizarre things. This woman, who says she has visited Heaven thousands of times and retells her stories of people that she’s seen in Heaven and places that she’s visited, appears to be suffering...
Michigan Pastor, Tom Arthur, Says His Church Has “Repented” of Using the Word “Picnic” Because It’s Racist
Latasha Morrison has her tentacles everywhere—and I do mean everywhere. Latasha Morrison is one of the many professional victims embraced by the woke church sect of professing Christendom. Be the Bridge is the brainchild of Latasha Morrison. Latasha Morrison is a...
False Teacher of the Day #51: Andrew Wommack
Andrew Wommack is a popular Word of Faith teacher and televangelist who twists the Word of God, teaching false doctrines such as “positive confession” and “seed sowing.” Wommack is the founder and CEO of Andrew Wommack Ministries and Charis Bible College. Wommack is a...
SBC President Under Fire for Assigning Man Who Victimized Sex Abuse Survivor to the Sex Abuse Task Force
If you've been following the numerous scandals in the Southern Baptist Convention, you're probably aware of the blackmail scandal involving Texas pastor, Tom Buck and his wife, Jennifer. If you're not aware, you can catch up on the details at this link. But to...
Polemics’ Threefold Display Of Love
For this is the message that you have heard from the beginning, that we should love one another.1 John 3:11 Christians are commanded to love one another. This command permeates through all of life and every facet of ministry. Paul commands the Corinthians church “Let...
Crisis: When did Timothy Keller actually mock authentic Christian belief?
by Tom Hill Timothy Keller: Turning Believers Into Unbelievers? “…when the Son (Jesus) cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?” (Luke 18.8) Jesus never accepted unbelief! He challenged His own to believe fully; indeed, He often rebuked His disciples for their...
Tim Keller Says the Gospel Alone Isn’t Enough to Convince People to Turn to Christ, Social Justice Must Accompany
Tim Keller has proven himself to be a master manipulator of the Scriptures—so much so that some of the best and most well-intentioned pastors of our day have bought into some of the falsehoods he teaches. Keller is a perfect example of those Jude spoke of creeping...
SC Megachurch Pastor and SBC ERLC Speaker Invites Beth Moore to Preach Sunday Sermon
Derwin Gray, the pastor of Transformation Church in South Carolina and a speaker at woke Southern Baptist ERLC conferences. Gray also joined JD Greear and other pastors to complain about white people saying that he once had a white pastor reject his call to become a...
Call Upon the Name of the Lord and You Will Be Saved
Too often, many have attempted to trivialize the gospel into something less than what it is. For some, the gospel is universal—Christ died to save all and there is nothing more to it. For others, the gospel is that Jesus came to exemplify a "good life" we must live to...
Joel Osteen Demonstrates He Has No Idea What Repentance Is, Church Attendance Slashed Nearly in Half Since COVID
Talk about cultish! Joel Osteen, a false teacher and fake pastor, is most definitely a cult leader. The followers of Joel Osteen’s ministry do not follow Christ, they follow the man and they are in it for no other reason than to hear the man tickle their ears with his...
Beth Moore Preaches Sunday Morning at Baptist Megachurch in Houston, Belittles Her Husband
Beth Moore's feud with the Southern Baptist Convention didn't last long. After last year's departure from the denomination, because it would not allow women to preach in pulpits, she announced that she was "no longer a Southern Baptist" and canceled her contract with...
Adopting LGBTQ Language, The Gospel Coalition Podcast Calls Rachel Levine a “Transgender Woman”
You hear it everywhere. The LGBTQ movement has decreed it, the left has claimed it and adopted it as their own, and even the secular right-wing media has bought into it. The postmodern war on language is destroying reality by making nothing at all real. But...