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Charismatic Blasphemer and False Prophet, Jeff Jansen, Passes, Faces Judgment at 59

by | Aug 12, 2022 | heresy, News, Religion, The Church | 0 comments

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Jeff Jansen was the co-founder of the prominent charismatic ministry, Global Fire Ministries International (GMI). Last year, the board asked Jansen to resign and that Jansen would be leaving his wife to “pursue his own desires,” according to an email sent to GMI followers.

“It is with deep sorrow that Jeff Jansen has been asked, by his board, to step down as Co-Senior Leader of Global Fire Church, and from Global Fire Ministries due to unscriptural and unbiblical behavior. He was asked to step down in April, and this was made public to the church body on May 2, 2021. A statement was released to partners and friends on May 5,” the email read according to an article in Newsweek at the time.

According to the statement put out by GMI, Jansen refused to submit to the “process of healing and restoration.”

He remains unrepentant and unremorseful,” the ministry said, adding that any further statements or actions coming from Jansen should not be associated with GMI.

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Jansen falsely prophesied in a Facebook post last June that we would all be “dancing in the streets” by June 23, 2021 after Biden is removed from office and Trump is restored. While we share his disdain for Biden, that prophecy did not come to pass and Jansen proved himself to be a fraud—not that we didn’t already know.

Jansen’s last Facebook “prophecy” was on the morning of August 9, 2022.

In that “prophecy,” he said he had been quiet for a while because the Lord told him to do so. But he came out of his silence after the FBI raided Trump’s home to “prophecy” that God was going to bring justice for these actions and restore America to “WE THE PEOPLE.”

Later that day, God struck Jansen dead.

God will only be mocked for so long before he turns his anger and wrath against one. While we do not know the mind of God beyond what He has revealed in Scripture, nor do we know the purpose of His swift judgment on some and extended mercy on others, we do know that God is sovereign over all life and death and that only those in Christ will receive the Kingdom of God. And while I cannot say with absolute certainty that Jansen didn’t repent and believe sometime before he passed, I can say emphatically that I would not want to be in his shoes right now.

Let this serve as a warning to us all: “There, but for the grace of God, go I.”

But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction. —2 Peter 2:1

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