The momentous legal battle of Brian Tingley v. Robert W. Ferguson, Attorney General of Washington, et al., rises from the pages of court dockets, emerging as a case of monumental import. Far from being a mere footnote in legal journals, this case represents a critical...
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Debunking Leftist Myths About Jesus – Part VII – Jesus Was a Feminist
In the battleground of contemporary Christian discourse, figures like Beth Moore and Kristin Du Mez emerge not as benign participants but as antagonists, waging a calculated campaign to hijack Christianity in service of their feminist agenda. With the assistance of...
Breaking: LifeWay to Close All of Its Stores This Year
LifeWay Christian Stores is the retail chain of the Southern Baptist Convention under the direction of Thom Rainer who has been under fire for many years for peddling heresy to Christians for cash. Previously, LifeWay announced that they would be closing "a number of...
Addressing Arguments Against Biblical Street-Preaching
Street preaching is a unique calling and definitely not for everyone. There is never a shortage of challenges hurled at the man on the box proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ. And why wouldn’t there be? To be sure, anytime the darkness is exposed to the...
The Dangerous Cult of Hillsong
With familiar tunes and upbeat rhythms filling the sanctuaries in churches everywhere, Hillsong is by far the most popular producer of mainstream Christian music in the world. They mass produce music from their multi-campus world-wide bands under the labels Hillsong...
Christine Caine, Be Silent
I didn't say it. God said it. If you have a problem with it, take it up with God. If you're a believer, then you should believe that the entire Bible was written under the plenary inspiration of the Holy Spirit. That means, you believe the Bible is God's inerrant,...
Tim Keller’s Subversive Social Justice Takeover of the Evangelical Church
Well, you know that there is never really anything new under the sun right? Be sure of it; nothing is, not even the concepts fronted by the TGC. The Gospel Coalition banded together as a fellowship of evangelical churches in around 2005. The main idea behind it was to...
SBC Successfully Convincing Evangelicals to Embrace LGBT Special Rights
In a recent sermon entitled, How the Fall Affects Us All, SBC President and pastor of the Summit Church in Raleigh, NC, J.D. Greear told his church that Christians must stand up for LGBT+ rights. The truth is that the sermon title is misleading. The sermon was...
The Slow Drift Toward LGBTQ Inclusion in Evangelical Churches
Any sane person with a shred of common sense with an IQ higher than the average fish can read the Bible and clearly see that it teaches homosexuality is against God's law. The discord isn't over this clear fact, but on whether or not what the Bible teaches is true. In...
Bruce Ashford and Southeastern Seminary Opening the Door to Leftist Politics
Southeastern Seminary's Slide into Progressivism Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary (SEBTS) is one of the premier vehicles for aspiring pastors and theologians to join the endless ranks of social justice warriors in Evangelicalism today. Through its Office of...
The Wisdom of Cowards: The SBC’s Profound Lack of Courage
Humanity Refuses to Believe God In the book of Numbers, chapter 13, God instructs Moses to select a leader from each of the tribes of Israel to send them into the land of Canaan for the purpose of gathering intelligence. When they returned from the intelligence...
Voddie Baucham’s Tips for Evangelism
It is the duty of all Christians to go out into the world to spread the good news of Jesus Christ. It is by the grace of God that while we were once lost, God saved us. Who could neglect such a calling as one who has seen first hand the kindness of God? This was...
Former SEBTS Student Addresses Social Justice Issues Plaguing Southern Baptist Seminaries
Former Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary Seminary Student, Jon Harris, has been on the scene in recent weeks exposing the unbiblical agenda that is raging out of control in Evangelicalism. He started his critique with an expose on his own former Seminary and...
Beth Moore Joins Rank Apostates, Joel Osteen, Matt Crouch, For Hillsong Channel Show
It's no doubt that Beth Moore, herself, is apostate. She departed the faith long ago when she started claiming direct, divine revelation from God and making outrageous claims that God was going to unite Christians with the false church of Rome. Beth Moore is a...
Reformed Leaders Turning on Albert Mohler for Placing Denominational Loyalty Over Biblical Fidelity
Al Mohler is arguably the most influential leader in the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC). After all, he is responsible for putting many others, like Russell Moore, into influential positions within the denomination. Now, many Reformed leaders -- in and out of the...
Overview of Presuppositional Apologetics
In this podcast I rant about a very brief overview of presuppositional apologetics. More to come on this subject for sure.
Al Mohler Scrambles to Deal With Social Gospel Monster He is Responsible for Creating
This week marked the 2019 annual Shepherds' Conference at John MacArthur's Grace Church, a traditionally very conservative, biblically-grounded gathering of like-minded believers to teach and preach the Word of God while exhorting believers to go into the world and to...
Al Mohler Loses Cool, Flips on Phil Johnson
Phil Johnson Asks Direct Questions to Albert Mohler on Social Justice During the Q&A Panel at the 2019 Shepherds' Conference at John MacArthur's Grace Church, Phil Johnson posed a number of questions to Albert Mohler, Ligon Duncan, and Mark Dever. These are three...
Is Beth Moore Seeking a Bid for SBC Presidency?
The Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) is a peculiar denomination in Evangelical Christianity. It has morphed over the years from originally conservative when founded in the mid-1800s to a largely liberal and progressive denomination in the 1970s. Then, in 1979,...
The Fall of Francis Chan and Why He Should Be Avoided
You may wonder why I believe Francis Chan has fallen and needs to be avoided. Isn't he orthodox? Doesn't he preach the true gospel? Isn't he, well, doctrinally sound? Well, Chan is a graduate of both John MacArthur’s Master’s University and Seminary, an unusually...
Kari Jobe’s Sexualizing of God’s Love and Word of Faith Heresy
Kari Jobe is a popular musician being promoted in churches, especially to our youth. Jobe, out of seeker-sensitive NAR Robert Morris’ Gateway church, is known for popular songs like I Am Not Alone, and Love Came Down. She is also under the leadership of...
Is the SBC Seeking to Embrace Roman Catholic-Style Hierarchical Ecclesiology
ONE NEWS NOW — The Southern Baptist Convention is proposing changes it hopes will allow it to better prevent child sexual abuse in its churches – but a Christian theologian and apologist is warning that the crisis could be used to change the priorities of the...